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VTS Intersessional

Intersessional group on Guideline G1111-3, no.4

VTS Intersessional

Intersessional group on task 1.3.1 develop a guideline on VTS voice communications, phrase/phraseology

VTS Intersessional

Intersessional group on the revision of G1014 Accreditation and Approval Process for VTS Training. no.2

VTS Intersessional

Intersessional group on the revision of G1014 Accreditation and Approval Process for VTS Training. no.2

VTS Intersessional

Intersessional group on the G1111 Establishing Functional and Performance Requirements for VTS Systems, No.2

VTS Intersessional

Interssional group on the Acceptance of VTS Systems, No.4

VTS Intersessional

Intersessional group on task 1.3.1 develop a guideline on VTS voice communications, phrase/phraseology

VTS Intersessional

Intersessional group on Guideline G1111-3, no.5

VTS Intersessional

Intersessional group on a Guideline on VTS Management, no.3

VTS Intersessional MASS

VTS WG1 TG-1.2.5 Meetings 1.2.5   Develop a Guideline on the implications of maritime autonomous surface ships (MASS) from a VTS perspective

VTS Intersessional – Future VTS

VTS WG1 TG-1.4.3 Meetings 1.4.3   Prepare a “living document” on “Future VTS”, including emerging technologies and human element.

VTS Intersesional Group on Task-1.2.5 MASS

VTS WG1 TG-1.2.5 Meetings 1.2.5   Develop a Guideline on the implications of maritime autonomous surface ships (MASS) from a VTS perspective

VTS Intersessional Group 1.2.4

Welcome to join the task 1.2.4 Develop Guideline on Maritime Services in the context of e-Navigation relating to VTS The work will continue from VTS50 , last intersessional meeting. Take the current MS1-3 align with forthcoming IMO Resolution Guidelines for Vessel Traffic Service.