Committee Dashboards

ENG12 Documents for Silent Approval

Documents submitted for initial Committee comment and then subsequent silent approval will be published on this page.

Details including times and dates for the process will be included.

Standards 1020 and 1030 Referenced documents update

ENG Committee Chair and Vice Chair have started the revision of the table 5 listing the Referenced documents of each Standard dealing with the ENG Committee.

WG3 Documents for approval

The Committee Management Team have decided that below listed documents are ready to send to the ENG12 Committee to seek silent approval over a period of five calendar days. The document is located in the silent approval folder in the file share here.

  • ENG12-13.x.x Draft Recommendation on Provision of GNSS Augmentation Services for maritime applications
  • ENG12-13.x.x Liaison note to RTCM re SC104 and SC134
  • ENG12-13.x.x Liaison note to CIRM on the Effect of Radars on Racons in busy harbours
  • ENG12-13.x.x Liaison note to ARM on the Effect of Radars on Racons in busy harbours and IALA policy on use of AIS and Racons
  • ENG12-13.x.x Liaison note to IMC inviting Racon manufacturers to get involved in the standardisation process (with two supporting documents – ENAV20-13.11 and ENAV21-13.10)
  • ENG12-13.x.x Liaison note to ETSI TGMARINE on Radar Standards
  • ENG12-13.x.x Liaison note to ARM on Enhanced radar positioning system (with a paper on Enhanced radar positioning system)
  • ENG12-13.x.x Liaison note to CIRM on Enhanced radar positioning system (with a paper on Enhanced radar positioning system)
  • ENG12-13.x.x Liaison note to ENAV on VDES R-Mode


If no substantive comments have been received by 15 October 2020  08.00UTC the document will be considered as approved. Substantive comments are those relating to the technical or structural nature of the document, editorial comments are not considered substantive.

Participants are required to fill out the attached form in full and send them to the ENG12 mail group ( All forms received will also be placed in the relevant silent approval section of the file-share listed above. Comment(s) received will be handled at the discretion of the Committee Management Team. Depending on the nature of the comment(s) received, the document(s) may be:

  • comment agreed and the document amended accordingly;
  • offered for a further period of silent approval; or

returned to the relevant working group for further consideration.

G1135 on Effective intensity revision

The Committee Management Team have decided G1135 on Effective intensity revision is ready to send to the ENG12 Committee to seek silent approval over a period of five calendar days. The document is located in the silent approval folder in the file share here.


If no substantive comments have been received by 15 October 2020  08.00UTC the document will be considered as approved. Substantive comments are those relating to the technical or structural nature of the document, editorial comments are not considered substantive.

Participants are required to fill out the attached form in full and send them to the ENG12 mail group ( All forms received will also be placed in the relevant silent approval section of the file-share listed above. Comment(s) received will be handled at the discretion of the Committee Management Team. Depending on the nature of the comment(s) received, the document(s) may be:

  • comment agreed and the document amended accordingly;
  • offered for a further period of silent approval; or
  • returned to the relevant working group for further consideration.

Draft Recommendation on Terrestrial Radionavigation Services

The Committee Management Team have decided Draft Recommendation on Terrestrial Radionavigation Services is ready to send to the ENG12 Committee to seek silent approval over a period of five calendar days. The document is located in the silent approval folder in the file share here.


If no substantive comments have been received by 11 October 2020 1200 UTC the document will be considered as approved. Substantive comments are those relating to the technical or structural nature of the document, editorial comments are not considered substantive.

Participants are required to fill out the attached form in full and send them to the ENG12 mail group ( All forms received will also be placed in the relevant silent approval section of the file-share listed above. Comment(s) received will be handled at the discretion of the Committee Management Team. Depending on the nature of the comment(s) received, the document(s) may be:

  • comment agreed and the document amended accordingly;
  • offered for a further period of silent approval; or
  • returned to the relevant working group for further consideration.