ENAV - 15

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This meeting contains 185 documents.

Agenda No. Title Date
16.1 16. - Review of session report
Document title: ENAV15-16.1 Report ENAV15
21 Oct 2014
14.2.51 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV15-14.2.51 ENAV Work Programme Task Register - All WG
Originator: ENAV15
13 Nov 2014
14.2.50 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV15-14.2.50 1087 Ed2 Procedures for the Management of the IALA Domains under the IHO GI Registry_Oct2014
20 Oct 2014
14.2.49 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV15-14.2.49 iala workshop on employing the e-navigation common shore based system architecture cssa report
20 Oct 2014
14.2.48 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV15-14.2.48 guidance on AIS vulnerability
21 Oct 2014
14.2.47 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV15-14.2.47 design considerations for vdes
21 Oct 2014
14.2.46 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV15-14.2.46 Design considerations for ASM
21 Oct 2014
14.2.45 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV15-14.2.45 Revision to IALA Guideline 1082
21 Oct 2014
14.2.44 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV15-14.2.44 Draft IALA Recommendation for VDES
20 Oct 2014
14.2.43 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV15-14.2.43 Draft IALA guideline VDES
21 Oct 2014
14.2.42 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV15-14.2.42 Toward a preliminary draft new recommendation itu r m vdes
21 Oct 2014
14.2.41 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV15-14.2.41 vdes user requirements to technical requirements template v2
21 Oct 2014
14.2.40 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV15-14.2.40 Suggested approach for analsying different combinations of radionavigation systems
21 Oct 2014
14.2.39 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV15-14.2.39 Existing IALA documents related to PNT 16 October 2014
21 Oct 2014
14.2.38 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV15-14.2.37 (enav14-12.1.3) standalonedocument implementation of msp strategic perspective
20 Oct 2014
14.2.37 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV15-14.2.37 (enav14-12.1.3) standalonedocument implementation of msp strategic perspective
20 Oct 2014
14.2.36 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV15-14.2.36 (enav14-12.1.2) draft document the structure of maritime service portfolios msp 1 04 20121206
20 Oct 2014
14.2.35 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV15-14.2.35 (enav14-12.1.1) report architecture wg - wg5_intersessionalmeeting 20121204 06 v1 00
20 Oct 2014
14.2.34 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV15-14.2.34 (e-nav14-12.3.1) harmonisation of msps considerations 20130917
20 Oct 2014
14.2.33 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV15-14.2.33 liaison note on e-nav 140 to e-nav regarding vts38-9.2.8
20 Oct 2014
14.2.32 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV15-14.2.32 relationship between e-navigation technical architecture documents
20 Oct 2014
14.2.31 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV15-14.2.31 proposal for a standard for interfaces among shore side systems using upnp
20 Oct 2014
14.2.30 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV15-14.2.30 draft revision of rec e-nav 140 on e-navigation architecture shore perspective ed2 a
20 Oct 2014
14.2.29 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV15-14.2.29 Guideline on M2M interfacing for CSS
20 Oct 2014
14.2.28 14. Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV15-14.2.28 CSSAGenericServiceModel WorkPlan 1-00
20 Oct 2014
14.2.27 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV15-14.2.27 appendix14 runtime configuration management rec genericserviceengmodel 20140829 amended
20 Oct 2014
14.2.26 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV15-14.2.26 appendix13 efficient operation maintenance rec genericserviceengmodel 20140829 amended
20 Oct 2014
14.2.25 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV15-14.2.25 appendix12 site co location issue rec genericserviceengmodel v0 06 20140812
20 Oct 2014
14.2.24 14. -Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV15-14.2.24 appendix11 service management rec genericserviceengmodel 20140829 amended
20 Oct 2014
14.2.23 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV15-14.2.23 appendix 10-4 physical link couplers rec genericserviceengmodel v0 06 20140812
20 Oct 2014
14.2.22 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV15-14.2.22 appendix 10 3 physical link terminal equipm rec genericserviceengmodel v0 06 20140812
20 Oct 2014
14.2.21 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV15-14.2.21 appendix 10 2 physical shore station rec genericserviceengmodel v0 06 20140812
20 Oct 2014
14.2.20 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV15-14.2.20 appendix 10-1_physica layer as a whole rec genericserviceengmodel v0 06 20140812
20 Oct 2014
14.2.19 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV15-14.2.19 appendix09 logical shore station rec genericserviceengmodel v0 06 20140812
20 Oct 2014
14.2.18 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV15-14.2.18 appendix 08 test models genericserviceengmodel v0 06 20140829 amended
20 Oct 2014
14.2.17 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV15-14.2.17 appendix07 reliability model rec genericserviceengmodel 20140826 amended
20 Oct 2014
14.2.16 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV15-14.2.16 appendix 06 interna time latency model rec genericserviceengmodell v0 06 20140812
20 Oct 2014
14.2.15 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV15-14.2.15 appendix05 interfacing model rec genericserviceengmodel v0 06 20140903 with all subgroup comments v1 1amended
20 Oct 2014
14.2.14 14. Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV15-14.2.14 appendix 04 interaction data storage model rec genericserviceengmodel v0 06 20140812
20 Oct 2014
14.2.13 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV15-14.2.13 appendix 03 distribution model rec genericserviceengmodel v0 06 20140812
20 Oct 2014
14.2.12 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV15-14.2.12 appendix 02 data objects of a service-service data mode rec genericserviceengmodel v0 06 20140812
20 Oct 2014
14.2.11 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV15-14.2.11 appendix 01 basic service categories definitions etc rec genericserviceengmodel v0 06_20140812
20 Oct 2014
14.2.10 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV15-14.2.10 appendix 00 glossary etc rec generic service eng model v0 06 20140812
20 Oct 2014
14.2.9 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV15-14.2.9 main draft iala recommendation on generic service engineering model 20140904 amended
20 Oct 2014
14.2.8 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV15-14.2.8 iala recommendation on the iala common shore based system architecture cssa 20130925d
20 Oct 2014
14.2.7 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV15-14.2.7 Proposal for extending sbas coverage using vdes
20 Oct 2014
14.2.6 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV15-14.2.6 Procedures for managing dgnss information
20 Oct 2014
14.2.5 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV15-14.2.5 Statement of work for a Task Group on IALA DGNSS and eLoran databases
20 Oct 2014
14.2.4 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV15-14.2.4 Draft guideline on eloran service provision wg2 review up to chapter 4 at e-nav14
20 Oct 2014
14.2.3 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV15-14.2.3 draft r-121 amended following e-NAV14 2014 09 20 ajg rev@enav15 final
Originator: ENAV15
20 Oct 2014
14.2.2 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV15-14.2.2 Discussion Paper on Effective Communication of Information concerning Testbeds
Originator: ENAV15
20 Oct 2014
14.2.1 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV15-14.2.1 WP on Testbed Analysis and Lessons Learned
Originator: ENAV15
20 Oct 2014
14.1.13 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV15-14.1.13 IALA position paper on the possibility for non-SOLAS vessels to access some e-Navigation services v4
Originator: ENAV15
20 Oct 2014
14.1.12 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV15-14.1.12 Liaison note to ARM and SG - Persistent Unique Identifier (PUI) for AtoN into S-100
Originator: ENAV15
20 Oct 2014
14.1.11 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV15-14.1.11 Liaison note to ARM recommending review of Guideline 1081
Originator: ENAV15
20 Oct 2014
14.1.10 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV15-14.1.10 Liaison note to ARM on A126
Originator: ENAV15
20 Oct 2014
14.1.9 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV15-14.1.9 Recommendation A-126 on The Use of the Automatic Identification System AIS in_Marine AtoN Services 20141019
Originator: ENAV15
20 Oct 2014
14.1.7 14. -Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV15-14.1.7 Liaison note to Committees and PAP - Proposed Product Specification Numbering Scheme for IALA Domains
Originator: ENAV15
20 Oct 2014
14.1.6 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV15-14.1.6 ENAV Committee WG Terms of Reference
Originator: ENAV15
20 Oct 2014
14.1.5 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV15-14.1.5 Liaison note e-NAV to ARM committee on revision of IMO Resolution A915
Originator: ENAV15
20 Oct 2014
14.1.4 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV15-14.1.4 Liaison note to all Committees and PAP on IALA involvement with IMO SIP Tasks
Originator: ENAV15
20 Oct 2014
14.1.3 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV15-14.1.3 Liaison note to Danish Maritime Authority update of e-navigation.net
Originator: ENAV15
20 Oct 2014
14.1.2 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV15-14.1.2 ENAV Committee Workplan 2014-2018 v3
Originator: ENAV15
20 Oct 2014
14.1.1 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV15-14.1.1 (ENAV15-3.3.1) Working Document Toward a Preliminary draft New Recommendation ITU-R M[VDES r1
Originator: ENAV15
20 Oct 2014
13.3 13. - Review of Work Programme
Document title: ENAV15-13.3 Work Programme Task Register master - with VTS example
Originator: IALA Secretariat
14 Oct 2014
13.2 13. - Review of Work Programme
Document title: ENAV15-13.2 ENAV Committee Workplan 2014-2018 v4 2014-10-13
Originator: ENAV Chair/ Vice Chair
13 Oct 2014
13.2 13. - Review of Work Programme
Document title: ENAV15-13.2 ENAV Committee Workplan 2014-2018 v4 2014-10-13
Originator: Chair and Vice Chair
13 Oct 2014
13.1 13. - Review of Work Programme
Document title: ENAV15-13.1 Potential ENAV documentation for 2014 BC 2014-03-25
Originator: Bill Cairns
25 Sep 2014
12.13 12. - WG 5 - PNT
Document title: ENAV15-12.13 ACCSEAS Feasibility Study of R-Mode combining MF DGNSS AIS eLoran
Originator: Alan Grant
20 Oct 2014
12.12 12. - WG 5 - PNT
Document title: ENAV15-12.12 INF paper on outcomes of AMSA DGPS survey
Originator: Mahesh Alimchandani
08 Oct 2014
12.11 12. - WG 5 - PNT
Document title: ENAV15-12.11 AMSA DGPS Survey findings
Originator: Mahesh Alimchandani
08 Oct 2014
12.10 12. - WG 5 - PNT
Document title: ENAV15-12.10 AMSA DGPS Survey - final
Originator: Mahesh Alimchandani
08 Oct 2014
12.9 12. - WG 5 - PNT
Document title: ENAV15-12.9 Requirements for Resilient PNT
Originator: Nick Ward
26 Sep 2014
12.8 12. - WG 5 - PNT
Document title: ENAV15-12.8 Feasibility Study of R-Mode using AIS Transmissions
Originator: Michael Hoppe
24 Sep 2014
12.7 12. - WG 5 - PNT
Document title: ENAV15-12.7 INF - WG5 plan for ENAV15 (draft)
Originator: Alan Grant
25 Sep 2014
12.6 12. - WG 5 - PNT
Document title: ENAV15-12.6 Draft R-121 amended following e-NAV14 2014-09-20 - ajg
Originator: Alan Grant
23 Sep 2014
12.5 12. - WG 5 - PNT
Document title: ENAV15-12.5 Procedures for Managing DGNSS Information
Originator: Nick Ward
25 Sep 2014
12.4 12. - WG 5 - PNT
Document title: ENAV15-12.4 PNT databases
Originator: Nick Ward
25 Sep 2014
12.3 12. - WG 5 - PNT
Document title: ENAV15-12.3 ACCSEAS R-Mode_Study_MF-Beacon_final_20140311 WG3
Originator: Michael Hoppe
25 Sep 2014
12.2 12. - WG 5 - PNT
Document title: ENAV15-12.2 Draft guideline on eLoran service provision - WG2 review up to Chapter 4 at e-NAV14
Originator: e-NAV14
22 Sep 2014
12.1 12. - WG 5 - PNT
Document title: ENAV15-12.1 R-121 Draft 4 eNAV14 WG2 Review v2
Originator: e-NAV14
22 Sep 2014
11.1 11. - WG 4 - ENAV Services
Document title: ENAV15-11.1 Streaming data to deliver data in s100 rev2 from s 100 workshop june 2013
Originator: e-NAV14
22 Sep 2014
10.19 10. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV15-10.19 (VTS38-12.1.4) Liaison note on VDES to e-NAV regarding VTS38 9_2_5
Originator: VTS38
11 Oct 2014
10.18 10. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV15-10.18 (VTS38-12.1.5) Liaison note on VDES implementation to e-NAV regarding VTS38 9_2_6
Originator: VTS38
10 Oct 2014
10.17 10. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV15-10.17 Guidance on AIS Vulnerability
Originator: Nick Ward
25 Sep 2014
10.16 10. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV15-10.16 AIS AtoNs - revision of IALA Rec A-126
Originator: Nick Ward
25 Sep 2014
10.15 10. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV15-10.15 VDES Waveform Study
Originator: Nick Ward
25 Sep 2014
10.14 10. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV15-10.14 Proposal for Extending SBAS Coverage using VDES
Originator: Nick Ward
26 Sep 2014
10.13 10. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV15-10.13 e-NAV14-17 2 3 1 working document on the innovative use of ais - St Germain SEP 2014 WD 05
Originator: Comms and AiS WG intersessional
30 Sep 2014
10.12 10. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV15-10.12 ASM channe- use during the transition to VSES SEP-2014-WD 04
Originator: Comms and AIS WG intersessional
30 Sep 2014
10.11 10. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV15-10.11 Demonstration objectives for VDES
Originator: Comms
25 Sep 2014
10.10 10. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV15-10.10 Design considerations for VDES
Originator: Comms
25 Sep 2014
10.9 10. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV15-10.9 VDES User Requirements to Technical Requirements Template v2
Originator: Comms
25 Sep 2014
10.8 10. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV15-10.8 Report of the intersessional WG2 Comms meeting R1 SEP 2014 Output 01
Originator: Comms and AIS WG intersessional
30 Sep 2014
10.7 10. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV15-10.7 CPM 1.16 OUTPUT V2 Rev1
Originator: Comms
25 Sep 2014
10.6 10. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV15-10.6 Liaison statement to ITU for channel plans
Originator: Comms
25 Sep 2014
10.5 10. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV15-10.5 Annex15_testbed_list - Planed or on-going testbeds for VDES development
Originator: Comms
25 Sep 2014
10.4 10. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV15-10.4 Report of the intersessional AIS Comms WG3 WG4 meeting
Originator: Comms
25 Sep 2014
10.3 10. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV15-10.3 WG15 MTG15 O 005 Liason to IALA on AIS AtoN Status Bits 19-Sep-2014
Originator: Bill Kautz
29 Sep 2014
10.2 10. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV15-10.2 Information Paper on Technical Guidelines for implenetation of VDES v1
Originator: e-NAV14
22 Sep 2014
10.1 10. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV15-10.1 Information Paper on VDES v1
Originator: e-NAV WG3
22 Sep 2014
9.2 9. - WG 2 - Implementation
Document title: ENAV15-9.2 Ship traffic management route exchange acceptance in Korea and Sweden - a cross cultural study
Originator: Fred Pot
25 Sep 2014
9.1 9. - WG 2 - Implementation
Document title: ENAV15-9.1 ACCSEAS Conference Report 2014 WG4
Originator: ACCSEAS Conference
25 Sep 2014
8.41 8. -WG 1 - Harmonization
Document title: ENAV15-8.41 (e-NAV14-12.3.1) Harmonisation of MSPs - Considerations 20130917
Originator: e-NAV14
13 Oct 2014
8.40 8. - WG 1 - Harmonization
Document title: ENAV15-8.40 (VTS38-12.1.7) Liaison note on e-NAV-140 to e-NAV regarding VTS38 9_2_8
Originator: VTS38
10 Oct 2014
8.39 8. - WG 1 - Harmonization
Document title: ENAV15-8.39 (VTS38-12.1.6) Liaison note on CSSA to e-NAV regarding VTS38 9-2-7
Originator: VTS38
10 Oct 2014
8.38 8. -WG 1 - Harmonization
Document title: ENAV15-8.38 (e-Nav14- Relationship Between e-Navigation Technical Architecture Documents
Originator: e-NAV14
08 Oct 2014
8.37 8. - WG 1 - Harmonization
Document title: ENAV15-8.37 S-200 status report
Originator: Nick Ward
26 Sep 2014
8.36 8. - WG 1 - Harmonization
Document title: ENAV15-8.36 Proposal for a Standard for Interfaces among Shore-side Systems using UPnP
Originator: Fred Pot
25 Sep 2014
8.35 8. -WG 1 - Harmonization
Document title: ENAV15-8.35 NCSR1- DRAFT comment related to the e-navigation SIP final-V2
Originator: Comms
25 Sep 2014
8.34 8. - WG 1 - Harmonization
Document title: ENAV15-8.34 Proposed SIP structure
Originator: e-NAV14
25 Sep 2014
8.33 8. - WG 1 - Harmonization
Document title: ENAV15-8.33 Draft Revision Of Rec e-NAV-140 on e-Navigation Architecture-Shore Perspective(Ed2)a
Originator: e-NAV14
23 Sep 2014
8.32 8. - WG 1 - Harmonization
Document title: ENAV15-8.32 S-100 Appendix 4A_service
Originator: DMWG intersessional
25 Sep 2014
8.31 8. - WG 1 - Harmonization
Document title: ENAV15-8.31 Annex_Liason_note_IHO re Data Modelling
Originator: DMWG intersessional
25 Sep 2014
8.30 8. - WG 1 - Harmonization
Document title: ENAV15-8.30 Liaison note from eNAV to IHO re Data Modelling
Originator: DMWG intersessional
25 Sep 2014
8.29 8. - WG 1 - Harmonization
Document title: ENAV15-8.29 Intersessional meeting of Data Modelling WG 2014-02-25 - Report
Originator: DMWG intersessional
25 Sep 2014
8.28 8. - WG 1 - Harmonization
Document title: ENAV15-8.28 Liaison note to eNAV on S100 PS
Originator: ANM21
25 Sep 2014
8.27 8. - WG 1 - Harmonization
Document title: ENAV15-8.27 Appendix14 - Runtime Configuration Management - Rec-GenericServiceEngModel 20140829 Amended
Originator: CSSA Workshop
23 Sep 2014
8.26 8. - WG 1 - Harmonization
Document title: ENAV15-8.26 Appendix13 - Efficient Operation Maintenance - Rec-GenericServiceEngModel 20140829 Amended
Originator: CSSA Workshop
23 Sep 2014
8.25 8. - WG 1 - Harmonization
Document title: ENAV15-8.25 Appendix12 - Site Co-Location Issue - Rec-GenericServiceEngModel_V0-06_20140812
Originator: CSSA Workshop
23 Sep 2014
8.24 8. -WG 1 - Harmonization
Document title: ENAV15-8.24 Appendix11 - Service Management - Rec-GenericServiceEngModel 20140829 Amended
Originator: CSSA Workshop
23 Sep 2014
8.23 8. - WG 1 - Harmonization
Document title: ENAV15-8.23 Appendix 10.4 - Physical Link Couplers - Rec-GenericServiceEngModel_V0-06_20140812
Originator: CSSA Workshop
23 Sep 2014
8.22 8. - WG 1 - Harmonization
Document title: ENAV15-8.22 Appendix 10.3 - Physical Link Terminal Equipm - Rec-GenericServiceEngModel_V0-06_20140812
Originator: CSSA Workshop
23 Sep 2014
8.21 8. - WG 1 - Harmonization
Document title: ENAV15-8.21 Appendix 10.2 - Physical Shore Station - Rec-GenericServiceEngModel_V0-06_20140812
Originator: CSSA Workshop
23 Sep 2014
8.20 8. - WG 1 - Harmonization
Document title: ENAV15-8.20 Appendix 10.1 - Physica Layer As A Whole - Rec-GenericServiceEngModel_V0-06_20140812
Originator: CSSA Workshop
23 Sep 2014
8.19 8. - WG 1 - Harmonization
Document title: ENAV15-8.19 Appendix09 - Logical Shore Station - Rec-GenericServiceEngModel_V0-06_20140812
Originator: CSSA Workshop
23 Sep 2014
8.18 8. - WG 1 - Harmonization
Document title: ENAV15-8.18 Appendix 08 - test models - GenericServiceEngModel_V0-06_20140829 Amended
Originator: CSSA Workshop
23 Sep 2014
8.17 8. - WG 1 - Harmonization
Document title: ENAV15-8.17 Appendix07 - Reliability Model - Rec-GenericServiceEngModel_20140826 Amended
Originator: CSSA Workshop
23 Sep 2014
8.16 8. - WG 1 - Harmonization
Document title: ENAV15-8.16 Appendix 06 - Interna Time Latency Model Rec - GenericServiceEngModell_V0-06_20140812
Originator: CSSA Workshop
23 Sep 2014
8.15 8. - WG 1 - Harmonization
Document title: ENAV15-8.15 Appendix05 - Interfacing Model_Rec - GenericServiceEngModel_V0-06_20140903 with ALL subgroup Comments v1.1 Amended
Originator: CSSA Workshop
23 Sep 2014
8.14 8. - WG 1 - Harmonization
Document title: ENaV15-8.14 Appendix 04 - Interaction Data Storage Model_Rec-GenericServiceEngModel_V0-06_20140812
Originator: CSSA Workshop
23 Sep 2014
8.13 8. - WG 1 - Harmonization
Document title: ENAV15-8.13 Appendix 03 - Distribution Model - Rec-GenericServiceEngModel_V0-06_20140812
Originator: CSSA Workshop
23 Sep 2014
8.12 8. - WG 1 - Harmonization
Document title: ENAV15-8.12 Appendix 02- Data Objects Of A Service - Service Data Mode_Rec-GenericServiceEngModel_V0-06_20140812
Originator: CSSA Workshop
23 Sep 2014
8.11 8. - WG 1 - Harmonization
Document title: ENAV15-8.11 Appendix 01-Basic Service Categories Definitions Etc Rec-GenericServiceEngModel V0-06 20140812
Originator: CSSA Workhop
23 Sep 2014
8.10 8. - WG 1 - Harmonization
Document title: ENAV15-8.10 Appendix 00-Glossary Etc Rec-Generic Service Eng Model V0-06 20140812
Originator: CSSA Workshop
23 Sep 2014
8.9 8. - WG 1 - Harmonization
Document title: ENAV15-8.9 Main Draft IALA Recommendation On Generic Service Engineering Model 20140904 Amended
Originator: CSSA Workshop
23 Sep 2014
8.8 8. - WG 1 - Harmonization
Document title: ENAV15-8.8 IALA Workshop on Employing the e-Navigation Common Shore-Based System Architecture (CSSA) - Report
Originator: CSSA Workshop
23 Sep 2014
8.7 8. - WG 1 - Harmonization
Document title: ENAV15-8.7 Proposal for Revision of A.915
Originator: Nick Ward
26 Sep 2014
8.6 8. - WG 1 - Harmonization
Document title: ENAV15-8.6 IALA Recommendation on the IALA Common Shore-based System Architecture (CSSA) 20130925d
Originator: e-NAV14
22 Sep 2014
8.5 8. - WG 1 - Harmonization
Document title: ENAV15-8.5 Draft Revision of Recommendation e-NAV-140
Originator: e-NAV14
22 Sep 2014
8.4 8. - WG 1 - Harmonization
Document title: ENAV15-8.4 Draft Revision Of Rec e-NAV-140 on e-Navigation Architecture-ShorePerspective(Ed2)_2-18_2011-01-21
Originator: e-NAV14
22 Sep 2014
8.3 8. WG 1 - Harmonization
Document title: ENAV15-8.3 Note on draft Revision of Recommendation e-NAV-140
Originator: e-NAV14
22 Sep 2014
8.2 8. - WG 1 - Harmonization
Document title: ENAV15-8.2 Unique identifiers for AtoNs - Identification of AtoNs in Nautical Publications
Originator: Peter Hooijmans
22 Sep 2014
8.1 8. - WG 1 - Harmonization
Document title: ENAV15-8.1 Draft Rec on CSSA System Layout 20130920 Mueller-Oltmann Collected Edits
Originator: e-NAV14
22 Sep 2014
7.5 7. - Establish Working Groups
Document title: ENAV15-7.5 TOR ENAV WG5 - PNT rev2
Originator: Omar Frits Eriksson
13 Oct 2014
7.4 7. - Establish Working Groups
Document title: ENAV15-7.4 TOR ENAV WG4 - ENAV Services rev2
Originator: Omar Frits Eriksson
13 Oct 2014
7.3 7. - Establish Working Groups
Document title: ENAV15-7.3 TOR ENAV WG3 - Telecommunication rev2
Originator: Omar Frits Eriksson
13 Oct 2014
7.2 7. - Establish Working Groups
Document title: ENAV15-7.2 TOR ENAV WG2 - Implementation rev2
Originator: Omar Frits Eriksson
13 Oct 2014
7.1 7. - Establish Working Groups
Document title: ENAV15-7.1 TOR ENAV WG1 - Harmonization rev2
Originator: Omar Frits Eriksson
13 Oct 2014
6.8 6. - Presentations
Document title: ENAV15-6.8 NAVDAT Test in China
Originator: Qiang Sun
20 Oct 2014
6.7 6. - Presentations
Document title: ENAV15-6.7 Presentation - Introduction to Navigation Aid Integrated Application System
Originator: Zhixiu Du
20 Oct 2014
6.6 6. - Presentations
Document title: ENAV15-6.6 Presentation R-Mode for resilient PNT
Originator: Michael Hoppe
13 Oct 2014
6.5 6. - Presentations
Document title: ENAV15-6.5 Presentation IALA DGNSS List Update 2014
Originator: Yonghun CHO
13 Oct 2014
6.4.2 6. - Presentations
Document title: ENAV15-6.4.2 Presentation Second Collaborated Test for e-Nav Solutions in Korean Waters (KRISO)
Originator: Jin Hyoung Park
13 Oct 2014
6.4.1 6. - Presentations
Document title: ENAV15-6.4.1 Presentation - Ship traffic management route exchange - acceptance in Korea and Sweden
Originator: Thomas Poranthe et al
14 Oct 2014
6.3 6. - Presentations
Document title: ENAV15-6.3 eNavigation Conference Seattle
Originator: Bill Cairns
22 Sep 2014
6.2.1 6. - Presentations
Document title: ENAV15-6.2.1 Presentation IALA WWA brief Oct 14 Rev 0
Originator: Stephen Bennett
13 Oct 2014
6.1.1 6. - Presentations
Document title: ENAV15-6.1.1 IALA Strategic Vision 2012-2026
Originator: IALA Secretariat
23 Sep 2014
6.1 6. - Presentations
Document title: ENAV15-6.1.2 IALA Committee Structure 2014-2018
Originator: IALA Secretariat
23 Sep 2014
5.1.1 5. - Reports from Rapporteurs
Document title: ENAV15-5.1.1 Resilient PNT Forum
Originator: Nick Ward
06 Oct 2014
4.10 4. - Reports from other bodies
Document title: ENAV15-4.10 (CSSA1-5.1) IALA Workshop on Employing the e-Nav CSSA - Report
Originator: IALA Secretariat
14 Oct 2014
4.9.1 4. - Reports from other bodies
Document title: ENAV15-4.9.1 e-Navigation Underway 2014 report
Originator: IALA Secretariat
24 Sep 2014
4.9 4. - Reports from other bodies
Document title: ENAV15-4.9 e-Nav Underway USA Conference Communique v1.6
Originator: Fred Pot
23 Sep 2014
4.8.1 4. - Reports from other bodies
Document title: ENAV15-4.8.1 (VTS38-14) draft Report VTS38
Originator: VTS38
11 Oct 2014
4.7.2 4. - Reports from other bodies
Document title: ENAV15-4.7.2 2014-07-04 MDC report of IMO NCSR1
Originator: Michael Card
23 Sep 2014
4.7.1 4. - Reports from other bodies
Document title: ENAV15-4.7.1 IMO NAV 59-20 - Report To The Maritime Safety Committee (Secretariat)
Originator: Michael Card
23 Sep 2014
4.6.1 4. - Reports from other bodies
Document title: ENAV15-4.6.1 MSC 93-22 - Report Of The Maritime Safety Committee meeting
Originator: IMO
26 Sep 2014
4.5.1 4. - Reports from other bodies
Document title: ENAV15-4.5.1 (PAP28-14.1) Report of PAP28
Originator: IALA Secretariat
10 Oct 2014
4.4.1 4. - Reports from other bodies
Document title: ENAV15-4.4.1 Report of PAP27
Originator: IALA Secretariat
25 Sep 2014
4.3.1 4. - Reports from other bodies
Document title: ENAV15-4.3.1 Report of PAP26
25 Sep 2014
4.2.3 4. - Reports from other bodies
Document title: ENAV15-4.2.3 (PAP28-14.3) 18th IALA Conference Conclusions and Actions
Originator: IALA Secretariat
10 Oct 2014
4.2.2 4. - Reports from other bodies
Document title: ENAV15-4.2.2 Pre-18th IALA Conference Seminar Report final
Originator: IALA Secretariat
08 Oct 2014
4.2.1 4. - Reports from other bodies
Document title: ENAV15-4.2.1 Report - 18th IALA Conference
Originator: IALA Secretariat
25 Sep 2014
4.1.3 4. - Reports from other bodies
Document title: ENAV15-4.1.3 Council 58 Final Report
Originator: IALA Secretariat
25 Sep 2014
4.1.2 4. - Reports from other bodies
Document title: ENAV15-4.1.2 Council 57 Final Report
Originator: IALA Secretariat
25 Sep 2014
4.1.1 4. - Reports from other bodies
Document title: ENAV15-4.1.1 Council 56 Report 2013-12-13
Originator: IALA Secretariat
25 Sep 2014
3.3.2 3. - Review of input papers
Document title: ENAV15-3.3.2 IALA submission to ITU WP5B on VDES from IALA ENAV Comms WG - urgent approval
Originator: Comms WG
23 Sep 2014
3.3.1 3. - Review of input papers
Document title: ENAV15-3.3.1 Working Document Toward a Preliminary draft New Recommendation ITU-R M[VDES]
Originator: e-NAV Comms WG
13 Oct 2014
3.1.2 3. Review of input papers
Document title: ENAV15-3.1.2 Input paper Committee template July 2014
Originator: IALA Secretariat
08 Sep 2014
2.1.2 2. - Review of action items from last meeting
Document title: ENAV15-2.1.2 Report e-NAV14
Originator: e-NAV14
25 Sep 2014
2.1.1 2. - Review of action items from last meeting
Document title: ENAV15-2.1.1 Reservation from Japan Coast Guard re WG 3 4 inter-sessional meeting output
Originator: Japan Coast Guard
25 Sep 2014
2.1 2. - Review of action items from last meeting
Document title: ENAV15-2.1 Action items from e-NAV14
Originator: e-NAV14
25 Sep 2014
1.4 1. - Opening
Document title: ENAV15-1.4 Programme for the week Rev2
Originator: IALA Secretariat
13 Oct 2014
1.3 1. - Opening
Document title: ENAV15-1.3 W Cairns Letter to IALA ENAV Committee
Originator: Bill Cairns
23 Sep 2014
1.2 1. - Opening
Document title: ENAV15-1.2 draft Agenda Rev15
Originator: IALA Secretariat
13 Oct 2014
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