ENAV - 17

Date: 26/10/2015
Venue: Brest, France

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This meeting contains 162 documents.

Agenda No. Title Date
0.1 0. General information
Document title: ENAV17-0.1 Brest hotel information
10 Jul 2015
0.2 0. General information
Document title: ENAV17-0.2 Brest hotel map
10 Jul 2015
0.3 0. General information
Document title: ENAV17-0.3 Access to Brest
10 Jul 2015
0.4 0. General Information
Document title: ENAV17-0.4 Venue Quartz floors layouts - room allocation 20151021
Originator: IALA Secretariat
21 Oct 2015
0.5 0. General Information
Document title: ENAV17-0.5 Information ENAV17 20151021
Originator: IALA Secretariat
21 Oct 2015
0.8 0. General Information
Document title: ENAV17-0.8 Brest Tourist Attractions in 1 day
Originator: Michel Cousquer
22 Oct 2015
1.2 1. - Opening
Document title: ENAV17-1.2 draft Agenda ENAV17 20151026
Originator: IALA Secretariat
26 Oct 2015
1.4.1 1. - Opening
Document title: ENAV17-1.4.1 Programme for the week 20151026
Originator: IALA Secretariat
26 Oct 2015
2.1 2. - Review of action items from last meeting
Document title: ENAV17-2.1 Action items from ENAV16
Originator: IALA Secretariat
27 Jun 2015
3.1.1 3. - Review of input papers
Document title: ENAV17-3.1.1 Input paper Committee template July 2014
Originator: IALA Secretariat
27 Jun 2015
3.1.2 3. - Review of input papers
Document title: ENAV17-3.1.2 (ARM2-11.1.5) Liaison Note to IALA members on Disaster Recovery planning Rev 1
Originator: ARM2
12 Sep 2015
3.1.3 3. - Review of input papers
Document title: ENAV17-3.1.3 (ARM2-11.2.1) WG1 WP1 disaster recovery
Originator: ARM2
16 Oct 2015
4.1 4. - Reports from other bodies
Document title: ENAV17-4.1 Report C60 2015-05 Kuala Lumpar
Originator: IALA Secretariat
15 Sep 2015
4.2 4. - Reports from other bodies
Document title: ENAV17-4.2 (PAP29-10 1) Report of PAP29
Originator: PAP29
12 Sep 2015
4.3 4. - Reports from other bodies
Document title: ENAV17-4.3 Report of ITU-R WP5B meeting Bucharest 6th to 17 July 2015
Originator: Stefan Bober
23 Sep 2015
4.4 4. - Reports from other bodies
Document title: ENAV17-4.4 ITU SG 5 chairman record meeting 27 Aug 2015 R12-SG05-C-0270!!MSW-E
Originator: Stefan Bober
23 Sep 2015
4.5 4. - Reports from other bodies
Document title: ENAV17-4.5 LAP15-20.1 Final report
Originator: IALA Secretariat
26 Oct 2015
5.4 5. - Reports from Rapporteurs
Document title: ENAV17-5.4 Rapporteur Report from VTS40
Originator: Jon Leon Ervik
23 Oct 2015
5.6 5. - Reports from Rapporteurs
Document title: ENAV17-5.6 IHO Rapporteur
Originator: Edward Hosken
27 Oct 2015
6.1 6. - Presentations
Document title: ENAV17-6.1 IALA WWA brief 20150929
Originator: IALA Secretariat
27 Oct 2015
6.2 6. - Presentations
Document title: ENAV17-6.2 Presentation Risk Register V2 p
Originator: Yves Desnoës
27 Oct 2015
6.3 6. - Presentations
Document title: ENAV17-6.3 Presentation on Status of IALA S-200
Originator: Yonghun Cho
27 Oct 2015
6.5 6. - Presentations
Document title: ENAV17-6.5 Presentation The Arctic Test Bed for EGNOS improvements2
Originator: Alessandra Fiumara
26 Oct 2015
6.6 6. - Presentations
Document title: ENAV17-6.6 Presentation Large Vessel Drift Project
Originator: Jillian Carson-Jackson
26 Oct 2015
7.1 7. - Review of Work Programme and Working Group expectations
Document title: ENAV17-7.1 (ENAV16-14.1.20) ENAV_Work Programme Task Register - revised at ENAV16
Originator: ENAV16
14 Sep 2015
7.2 7. - Review of Work Programme and Working Group expectations
Document title: ENAV17-7.2 (ENAV16-14.1.19) ENAV Work Plan revised at ENAV16 rev
Originator: ENAV16
14 Sep 2015
8.1 8. - Establish Working Groups
Document title: ENAV17-8.1 (ENAV16-14.1.21) ENAV Terms of Reference - revised at ENAV16
Originator: ENAV16
12 Sep 2015
9.1 9. - WG 1 - Harmonization
Document title: ENAV17-9.1 (ENAV16-14.2.6) WG1 S-100 and CMDS Definitions
Originator: ENAV16
12 Sep 2015
9.2 9. - WG 1 - Harmonization
Document title: ENAV17-9.2 (ENAV16-14.2.7) WG1 Draft revision Guideline on producing IALA S100 PS
Originator: ENAV16
12 Sep 2015
9.3 9. - WG 1 - Harmonization
Document title: ENAV17-9.3 (ENAV16-14.2.8) WG1 S-100 Appendix 4a - Service Orientation
Originator: ENAV16
12 Sep 2015
9.4 9. - WG 1 - Harmonization
Document title: ENAV17-9.4 (ENAV16-14.2.9) WG1 draft Risk Assessment Plan
Originator: ENAV16
12 Sep 2015
9.5 9. - WG 1 - Harmonization
Document title: ENAV17-9.5 (ENAV16-14.2.15) WG1 Questions on a digital infrastructure framework for e-navigation
Originator: ENAV16
12 Sep 2015
9.6 9. - WG 1 - Harmonization
Document title: ENAV17-9.6 (ENAV16-14.2.16) WG1 draft IALA Recommendation for NUID
Originator: ENAV16
12 Sep 2015
9.7 9. - WG 1 - Harmonization
Document title: ENAV17-9.7 (ENAV16-14.2.10) WG1 Draft IALA Guideline on the Application Note on Support of CSSA for MSPs Maritime Cloud 20150423
Originator: ENAV16
12 Sep 2015
9.8 9. - WG 1 - Harmonization
Document title: ENAV17-9.8 S-200 Status Report rev 1
Originator: Nick Ward
29 Sep 2015
9.9 9. - WG 1 - Harmonization
Document title: ENAV17-9.9 Streaming data service_draft4
Originator: Eivind Mong
17 Sep 2015
9.10 9. - WG 1 - Harmonization
Document title: ENAV17-9.10 Draft revision of Guideline 1087
Originator: Nick Ward
29 Sep 2015
9.11 9. - WG 1 - Harmonization
Document title: ENAV17-9.11 Submission re International Standard for M2M Interfaces v1.1
Originator: Fred Pot
29 Sep 2015
9.12 9. - WG 1 - Harmonization
Document title: ENAV17-9.12 WG1 work programme
Originator: Edward Hosken
13 Oct 2015
9.13 9. - WG 1 - Harmonization
Document title: ENAV17-9.13 Report on S-201 work rev2
Originator: Eivind Mong
16 Oct 2015
9.14 9. - WG 1 - Harmonization
Document title: ENAV17-9.14 Maritime Resource Name v3
Originator: Thomas Christensen
16 Oct 2015
9.15 9. - WG 1 - Harmonization
Document title: ENAV17-9.15 Identification and Messaging Structure for Maritime Cloud
Originator: Jin Park
21 Oct 2015
9.18 9. - WG 1 - Harmonization
Document title: ENG17-9.18 S-201 IALA AtoN Product Specification - draft 0.0.1
Originator: Eivind Mong
23 Oct 2015
10.1 10. - WG 2 - Implementation
Document title: ENAV17-10.1 (ENAV16-14.2.1) WG2 draft Guideline on Planning an eNavigation Testbed v0 14
Originator: Mahesh Alimchandani
15 Sep 2015
10.3 10. - WG 2 - Implementation
Document title: ENAV17-10.3 (ARM2-11.1.7) Liaison Note to all committees on navguide update
Originator: ARM2
12 Sep 2015
10.4.1 10. - WG 2 - Implementation
Document title: ENAV17-10.4.1 ACCSEAS Documents for IALA Committees ENAV17 and VTS40 and ARM3
Originator: Alwyn Williams
15 Sep 2015
10.4.2 10. - WG 2 - Implementation
Document title: ENAV17-10.4.2 ACCSEAS e-Navigation Architecture Report v1
Originator: Alwyn Williams
15 Sep 2015
10.4.3 10. - WG 2 - Implementation
Document title: ENAV17-10.4.3 ACCSEAS Route Topology Model Report
Originator: Alwyn Williams
15 Sep 2015
10.4.4 10. - WG 2 - Implementation
Document title: ENAV17-10.4.4 ACCSEAS Training Needs Analysis Report
Originator: Alwyn Williams
15 Sep 2015
10.4.5 10. - WG 2 - Implementation
Document title: ENAV17-10.4.5 ACCSEAS Final Report v1
Originator: Alwyn Williams
15 Sep 2015
10.4.5 10. - WG 2 - Implementation
Document title: ENAV17-10.4.6 ACCSEAS Final Conference Report
Originator: Alwyn Williams
15 Sep 2015
10.5.1 10. - WG 2 - Implementation
Document title: ENAV17-10.5.1 ACCSEAS Service Description Documents for ENAV17
Originator: Alwyn Williams
15 Sep 2015
10.5.2 10. - WG 2 - Implementation
Document title: ENAV17-10.5.2 ACCSEAS S-100 Product Description - MSI-NM Maritime Safety Information - Notice to Mariners v1
Originator: Alwyn Williams
15 Sep 2015
10.5.3 10. - WG 2 - Implementation
Document title: ENAV17-10.5.3 ACCSEAS Service Description - IVEF Inter-VTS Exchange Format v1
Originator: Alwyn Williams
15 Sep 2015
10.5.4 10. - WG 2 - Implementation
Document title: ENAV17-10.5.4 ACCSEAS Service Description - Maritime Cloud v1
Originator: Alwyn Williams
15 Sep 2015
10.5.5 10. - WG 2 - Implementation
Document title: ENAV17-10.5.5 ACCSEAS Service Description - MSI-NM Maritime Safety Information - Notice to Mariners v1
Originator: Alwyn Williams
15 Sep 2015
10.5.6 10. - WG 2 - Implementation
Document title: ENAV17-10.5.6 ACCSEAS Service Description - MSPS Multi-source Positioning System v1
Originator: Alwyn Williams
15 Sep 2015
10.5.7 10. - WG 2 - Implementation
Document title: ENAV17-10.5.7 ACCSEAS Service Description - No-Go Area v1
Originator: Alwyn Williams
15 Sep 2015
10.5.8 10. - WG 2 - Implementation
Document title: ENAV17-10.5.8 ACCSEAS Service Description - Tactical Exchange of Intended Routes v1
Originator: Alwyn Williams
15 Sep 2015
10.5.9 10. - WG 2 - Implementation
Document title: ENAV17-10.5.9 ACCSEAS Service Description - Tactical Route Suggestion v1
Originator: Alwyn Williams
15 Sep 2015
10.5.10 10. - WG 2 - Implementation
Document title: ENAV17-10.5.10 ACCSEAS Service Description - VOCT Vessel Operations Coordination Tool v1
Originator: Alwyn Williams
15 Sep 2015
10.6 10. - WG 2 - Implementation
Document title: ENAV17-10.6 FTA-ENSI testbed in Gulf of Finland
Originator: Tuomas Martikainen
29 Sep 2015
10.7 10. - WG 2 - Implementation
Document title: ENAV17-10.7 ACCSEAS Legacy Report v1
Originator: Alan Grant
26 Oct 2015
10.8 10. - WG 2 - Implementation
Document title: ENAV17-10.8 Liaison Note on Outcomes of the ACCSEAS Legacy Report
Originator: Pieter Paap
29 Oct 2015
11.1 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV17-11.1 (ENAV16-14.2.17) WG3 PDNR with Annexes 2 - 6 added 2015-04-23
Originator: ENAV16
12 Sep 2015
11.2 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV17-11.2 (ENAV16-14.2.18) WG3 PDNR Annex 2 v5
Originator: ENAV16
12 Sep 2015
11.3 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV17-11.3 (ENAV16-14.2.19) WG3 PDNR Annex 3 WD v0.2
Originator: ENAV16
12 Sep 2015
11.4 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV17-11.4 (ENAV16-14.2.20) WG3 PDNR Annex 4 Satellite downlink
Originator: ENAV16
12 Sep 2015
11.5 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV17-11.5 (ENAV16-14.2.21) WG3 PDNR Annex 5 Satellite uplink
Originator: ENAV16
12 Sep 2015
11.6 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV17-11.6 (ENAV16-14.2.22) WG3 PDNR Annex 6 v0
Originator: ENAV16
12 Sep 2015
11.7 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV17-11.7 (ENAV16-14.2.23) WG3 CPM 1 16 output v2 rev1
Originator: ENAV16
12 Sep 2015
11.8 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV17-11.8 (ENAV16-14.2.24) WG3 Information paper on vdes v1
Originator: ENAV16
12 Sep 2015
11.9 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV17-11.9 (ENAV16-14.2.25) WG3 Info paper on tech guidelines for implenetation of vdes v1
Originator: ENaV16
12 Sep 2015
11.10 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV17-11.10 (ENAV16-14.2.26) WG3 Design considerations for vdes
Originator: ENAV16
12 Sep 2015
11.11 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV17-11.11 (ENAV16-14.2.27) WG3 Demonstration objectives for vdes
Originator: ENAV16
12 Sep 2015
11.12 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV17-11.12 (ENAV16-14.2.28) WG3 VDES user reqs to technical requirements template v2
Originator: ENAV16
12 Sep 2015
11.13 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV17-11.13 (ENAV16-14.2.29) WG3 VDES waveform study
Originator: ENAV16
12 Sep 2015
11.14 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV17-11.14 (ENAV16-14.2.30) WG3 Guidance on ais vulnerability
Originator: ENAV16
12 Sep 2015
11.15 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV17-11.15 (ENAV16-14.2.31) WG3 Innovative use of AIS St Germain sep 2014 wd 05
Originator: ENAV16
12 Sep 2015
11.16 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV17-11.16 (ENAV16-14.2.32) WG3 IALA A-126 Status bits edited 20150423
Originator: ENAV16
12 Sep 2015
11.17 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV17-11.17 (ENAV16-14.2.33) WG3 IALA 1082 AIS Overview Ed2 WD150422
Originator: ENAV16
12 Sep 2015
11.18 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV17-11.18 (ENAV16-14.2.34) WG3 AIS17-FAQ update 2015-04-23
Originator: ENAV16
12 Sep 2015
11.19 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV17-11.19 (ENAV16-14.2.35) WG3 Report on GMDSS enav16
Originator: ENAV16
12 Sep 2015
11.20 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV17-11.20 e-Nav Comms Study
Originator: Nick Ward
12 Sep 2015
11.21 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV17-11.21 VDES Waveform Technical Requirements Study
Originator: Jan Safar
30 Sep 2015
11.22 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV17-11.22 Cognitive Networked HF Radio
Originator: Jan Safar
30 Sep 2015
11.23 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV17-11.23 PNT-relevant topics to VDES 20151008
Originator: Michael Hoppe
12 Oct 2015
11.24 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV17-11.24 VDES workshop tokyo flyer final
Originator: VDES Workshop Steering Group
16 Oct 2015
11.25.1 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV17-11.25.1 GMDSS Report from Rapporteur
Originator: Jean-Charles Cornillou
16 Oct 2015
11.25.2 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV17-11.25.2 Annex 1_discussion document on the outcome of the detailed review
Originator: Jean-Charles Cornillou
16 Oct 2015
11.25.3 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV17-11.25.3 Annex 2_draft revised text of SOLAS Chapter IV
Originator: Jean-Charles Cornillou
16 Oct 2015
11.25.4 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV17-11.25.4 Annex 3_additional information to WRC-15
Originator: Jean-Charles Cornillou
16 Oct 2015
11.25.5 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV17-11.25.5 Annex 4_IMO-ITU EG 11-4-6 -(France)
Originator: Jean-Charles Cornillou
16 Oct 2015
11.26 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV17-11.26 Technical consideration for future revision of Rec. ITU-R M.[VDES] re ASM
Originator: Ross Norsworthy
16 Oct 2015
12.1 12. - WG 4 - ENAV Services
Document title: ENAV17-12.1 (ENAV16-14.2.3) WG4 MSP5 Maritime Safety Information Service wp1
Originator: ENAV16
12 Sep 2015
12.2 12. - WG 4 - ENAV Services
Document title: ENAV17-12.2 (ENAV16-14.2.4) WG4 MSP15 Real-Time Hydrographic and Environmental Information Services vf1 wp2
Originator: ENAV16
12 Sep 2015
12.3 12. - WG 4 - ENAV Services
Document title: ENAV17-12.3 (ENAV16-14.2.5) WG4 MSP11 Nautical Chart Service wp3
Originator: ENAV16
12 Sep 2015
12.4 12. - WG 4 - ENAV Services
Document title: ENAV17-12.4 (ARM2-11.1.4) Liaison Note to ENAV on e-Navigation developments
Originator: ENAV16
12 Sep 2015
12.5 12. - WG 4 - ENAV Services
Document title: ENAV17-12.5 Progress on e-navigation Services
Originator: Jon-Leon Ervik
21 Sep 2015
12.6 12. - WG 4 - ENAV Services
Document title: ENAV17-12.6 MSP8 Vessel Shore Reporting
Originator: Jon-Leon Ervik
21 Sep 2015
12.7 12. - WG 4 - ENAV Services
Document title: ENAV17-12.7 MSP12 Nautical Publications Service
Originator: Jon-Leon Ervik
21 Sep 2015
12.8 12. - WG 4 - ENAV Services
Document title: ENAV17-12.8 MSP13 Ice Navigation Service
Originator: Jon-Leon Ervik
21 Sep 2015
12.9 12. - WG 4 - ENAV Services
Document title: ENAV17-12.9 WG4 Task Register on MSP
Originator: Jon-Leon Ervik
21 Sep 2015
13.2 13. - WG 5 - PNT
Document title: ENAV17-13.2 (ENAV16-14.2.41) WG5 Draft Recommendation on PNT relevant services and systems
Originator: ENAV16
12 Sep 2015
13.3 13. - WG 5 - PNT
Document title: ENAV17-13.3 (ENAV16-14.2.42) WG5 SBAS discussion comments from ENAV16
Originator: ENAV16
12 Sep 2015
13.4 13. - WG 5 - PNT
Document title: ENAV17-13.4 (ENAV16-14.2.43) WG5 Draft Guideline on use of SBAS
Originator: ENAV16
12 Sep 2015
13.5 13. - WG 5 - PNT
Document title: ENAV17-13.5 (ENAV16-14.2.44) WG5 Draft Guideline on techniques used for on-board PNT data processing v1
Originator: Evelin Engler
12 Oct 2015
13.6 13. - WG 5 - PNT
Document title: ENAV17-13.6 (ENAV16-14.2.2) WG5 Task Group statement of work to develop a Guideline on eLoran service provision
Originator: ENAV16
12 Sep 2015
13.7 13. - WG 5 - PNT
Document title: ENAV17-13.7 WG5 plan for ENAV17
Originator: Alan Grant
15 Sep 2015
13.8.1 13. - WG 5 - PNT
Document title: ENAV17-13.8.1 INF Status PNT Guideline Development(F)
Originator: Evelin Engler
23 Sep 2015
13.8.2 13. - WG 5 - PNT
Document title: ENAV17-13.8.2 INF Status PNT Guideline Development Annex
Originator: Evelin Engler
23 Sep 2015
13.9 13. - WG 5 - PNT
Document title: ENAV17-13.9 R-Mode-Status Update 20151007
Originator: Michael Hoppe
12 Oct 2015
13.10 13. - WG 5 - PNT
Document title: ENAV17-13.10 Revision of IMO Res A.915(22) - a possible approach
Originator: Alessandra Fiumara
12 Oct 2015
13.10 13. - WG 5 - PNT
Document title: ENAV17-13.10 Revision of IMO Res A.915(22) - a possible approach 20151019.doc
Originator: Alessandra Fiumara
21 Oct 2015
13.11 13. - WG 5 - PNT
Document title: ENAV17-13.11 (ENG2-11.1.6) Liaison note ENG to ENAV Committee on WWA Model Course on GNSS and e-Navigation post plenary
Originator: ENG2
12 Oct 2015
13.12 13. - WG 5 - PNT
Document title: ENAV17-13.12 (ENAV15-14.2.4) Draft guideline on eloran service provision wg2 review up to chapter 4 at e-nav14
Originator: ENAV15
16 Oct 2015
13.13.1 13. - WG 5 - PNT
Document title: ENAV17-13.13.1 Progress on the development of S-240 DGNSS Station Almanac
Originator: Yonghun Cho
21 Oct 2015
13.13.2 13. - WG 5 - PNT
Document title: ENAV17-13.13.2 S-240 DGNSS Station Almanac Product Specification
Originator: Yonghun Cho
21 Oct 2015
13.14 13. - WG 5 - PNT
Document title: ENAV17-13.14 Coordination of PNT Development Activities
Originator: Alan Grant
21 Oct 2015
13.15.1 13. - WG 5 - PNT
Document title: ENAV17-13.15.1 Input paper - eLoran Recommendation
Originator: Jiwon Seo
21 Oct 2015
13.15.2 13. - WG 5 - PNT
Document title: ENAV17-13.15.2 Draft recommendation on eLoran service provision- WG5
Originator: Jiwon Seo
21 Oct 2015
13.15.3 13. - WG 5 - PNT
Document title: ENAV17-13.15.3 Draft guideline on eLoran service provision - WG5
Originator: Jiwon Seo
21 Oct 2015
13.16 13. - WG 5 - PNT
Document title: ENAV17-13.16 Singapore eRadar eRacon Trial 20151019 inf
Originator: Paul Mueller
21 Oct 2015
14.1.1 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV17-14.1.1 Liaison note to ARM regarding updating the IALA NAVGUIDE
Originator: WG2
29 Oct 2015
14.1.2 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV17-14.1.2 Guideline 1087 on procedures for the management of the IALA Domains under the IHO Registry
29 Oct 2015
14.1.3 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV17-14.1.3 Guideline 1106 on producing an IALA S-200 series product specification
29 Oct 2015
14.1.4 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV17-14.1.4 Liaison note from eNAV to VTS re M2M interfaces post plenary
Originator: WG1
30 Oct 2015
14.1.5 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV17-14.1.5 Draft Guideline on unique identifier for maritime resources
29 Oct 2015
14.1.6 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV17-14.1.6 Liaison note to PAP on unique identifier
29 Oct 2015
14.1.7 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV17-14.1.7 Draft Recommendation on the need to develop regional solutions based on international standards post plenary
Originator: WG2
30 Oct 2015 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV17- Liasion note to VTS committee post plenary
Originator: WG4
30 Oct 2015 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV17- Liaison note to VTS Committee - Annex
29 Oct 2015 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV17- Liaison note to IHO
29 Oct 2015 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV17- Liaison note to IHO - Annex
29 Oct 2015 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV17- Liaison note to WMO
29 Oct 2015 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV17- Liaison note to WMO - Annex
29 Oct 2015
14.1.11 14. Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV17-14.1.11 Liaison Note re draft Guideline on VDES User Requirements Post plenary
Originator: WG3
30 Oct 2015
14.2.1 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV17-14.2.1 Draft Guidelines on planning testbeds and reporting of testbeds results
29 Oct 2015
14.2.2 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV17-14.2.2 Roadmap for e-Navigation
29 Oct 2015
14.2.4 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV17-14.2.4 Draft risk assessment plan
29 Oct 2015
14.2.5 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV17-14.2.5 Draft guideline on the application note on support of CSSA for MSP and maritime cloud
29 Oct 2015
14.2.6 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV17-14.2.6 Questions on a digital infrastructure framework for e-Navigation
29 Oct 2015
14.2.7 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV17-14.2.7 International standards for M2M interfaces
29 Oct 2015
14.2.8 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV17-14.2.8 Draft recommendation on eLoran service provision
29 Oct 2015
14.2.9 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV17-14.2.9 Draft guideline on eLoran service provision
29 Oct 2015
14.2.10 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV17-14.2.10 eLoran almanac format
29 Oct 2015
14.2.11 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV17-14.2.11 Coordination of PNT development activities
29 Oct 2015
14.2.12 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV17-14.2.12 R-mode intersessional aims and objectives
29 Oct 2015
14.2.13 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV17-14.2.13 Draft guideline on techniques used for onboard PNT data processing
29 Oct 2015
14.2.14 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV17-14.2.14 Draft guideline on techniques used for onboard PNT data processing
29 Oct 2015
14.2.15 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV17-14.2.15 WG5 Draft contents of a coverage prediction guideline
Originator: WG5
30 Oct 2015
14.2.17 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV17-14.2.17 MSP11 Nautical charts service
29 Oct 2015
14.2.18 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV17-14.2.18 MSP15 Hydrographic service
29 Oct 2015
14.2.19 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV17-14.2.19 MSP12 Nautical publication service
29 Oct 2015
14.2.20 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV17-14.2.20 MSP13 Ice navigation service
29 Oct 2015
14.2.21 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV17-14.2.21 MSP8 Vessel shore reporting service
29 Oct 2015
14.2.22 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV17-14.2.22 Draft maritime operational requirements
29 Oct 2015
14.2.23 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV17-14.2.23 ENAV work programme task register sheet
29 Oct 2015
14.2.24 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV17-14.2.24 ENAV work plan
29 Oct 2015
14.2.25 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV17-14.2.25 ENAV WG terms of reference
29 Oct 2015
14.2.26 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV17-14.2.26 Maritime Service Portfolios (MSP) descriptions v2 151102
Originator: WG4
02 Nov 2015
16.1 16. - Review of session report
Document title: ENAV17-16.1 Report ENAV17 final
Originator: IALA Secretariat
24 Nov 2015
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