VTS - 39

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This meeting contains 64 documents.

Agenda No. Title Date
14 14. Session Report
Document title: VTS39-14 Report VTS39
01 May 2015
11.4 11. Review of current Work Programme (2014-2018)
Document title: VTS39-11.4 Update - 2014_18_work_programme_task_register_update VTS39 (Rev1)
23 Apr 2015
11.3 11. Review of current Work Programme (2014-2018)
Document title: VTS39-11.3 Update - Work Programme Summary Report (Rev1)
23 Apr 2015
12.2.2 12.2 Working papers
Document title: VTS39-12.2.2 WG3 VTS Manual Chapters
17 Apr 2015
12.2.6 12.2 Working papers
Document title: VTS39-12.2.6 WG1 WP_1.1.3_Draft_guideline_incident_accident_reporting_ JCC_V1
17 Apr 2015
12.2.5 12.2 Working papers
Document title: VTS39-12.2.5 WG2 DJT thoughts on Acceptance of VTS System
17 Apr 2015
12.2.4 12.2 Working papers
Document title: VTS39-12.2.4 WG2 2015 04 16 WIP VTS_Manual_2016 Chapter 11
17 Apr 2015
12.2.3 12.2 Working papers
Document title: VTS39-12.2.3 WG3 (VTS39-10.1.1) Authenticity, validation and security of certification
17 Apr 2015
12.2.1 12.2 Working papers
Document title: VTS39-12.2.1 WG3 V-103-5 VTS Revalidation Model Course
17 Apr 2015
12.2.8 12.2 Working papers
Document title: VTS39-12.2.8 WG1 WP_1.3.1_Draft_Guideline_on_VTS_Communications
17 Apr 2015
12.2.9 12.2 Working papers
Document title: VTS39-12.2.9 WG1 WP_1.4.4_Draft_Guideline zero accident campaign_April-2015
17 Apr 2015
12.2.7 12.2 Working papers
Document title: VTS39-12.2.7 WG1 WP_1.1.5_Draft_guideline_imsas-rev.1
17 Apr 2015
12.1.6 12.1 Review of output papers
Document title: VTS39-12.1.6 Guideline on Preparation of Operational and Technical Performance Requirements
17 Apr 2015
12.1.2 12.1 Review of output papers
Document title: VTS39-12.1.2 Draft IALA VTS strategy final
17 Apr 2015
12.1.1 12.1 Review of output papers
Document title: VTS39-12.1.1 Liaison note to Council on V-128
17 Apr 2015
12.1.9 12.1 Review of output papers
Document title: VTS39-12.1.9 Liaison note to IALA council on VTS questionnaire
17 Apr 2015
12.1.8 12.1 Review of output papers
Document title: VTS39-12.1.8 IALA VTS questionnaire_final draft ver3_clean
17 Apr 2015
12.1.7 12.1 Review of output papers
Document title: VTS39-12.1.7 Liaison note in response to ARM - NAVGUIDE contact
17 Apr 2015
12.1.5 12.1 Review of output papers
Document title: VTS39-12.1.5 draft Recommendation V-128 Ed. 4
17 Apr 2015
12.1.4 12.1 Review of output papers
Document title: VTS39-12.1.4 Liaison note from VTS to e-NAV regarding Proposed Product Specification Numbering Scheme
17 Apr 2015
12.1.3 12.1 Review of output papers
Document title: VTS39-12.1.3 Draft Liaison note from VTS to Council60 on IALA Strategy for future VTS
17 Apr 2015
6.1 6. Presentations
Document title: VTS39-6.1 IALA WWA brief Apr 15 Rev 0
13 Apr 2015
8.1.9 8. TD 1 - Operations
Document title: VTS39-8.1.9 (vts38_12_2_8)_draft_guideline_imsas (NT Rev2)
13 Apr 2015
1.2 1. Introduction
Document title: VTS39-1.2 Agenda
09 Apr 2015
3.1.6 3. Review of input papers
Document title: VTS39-3.1.6 (C59- revision 2 draft new committee policy and procedures
01 Apr 2015
4.1.1 4. Reports from other bodies
Document title: VTS39-4.1.1 C59 Report
01 Apr 2015
3.1.4 3. Review of input papers
Document title: VTS39-3.1.4 (C59-8.1.3) revision 1 proposed new document scheme
01 Apr 2015
4.3.1 4. Reports from other bodies
Document title: VTS39-4.3.1 IALA IMO MSC94 Report rev2nw
01 Apr 2015
8.4.4 8. TD 1 - Operations
Document title: VTS39-8.4.4 iala_vts_strategy_wp1_10jan2015- shortened version for further discussion_comments NL VTS Group v0.3
26 Mar 2015
10.1.2 10. TD 3 - VTS Training
Document title: VTS39-10.1.2 draft guideline VTS Revalidation Process for VTSO 20150324
24 Mar 2015
9.2.5 9. TD 2 - Technology
Document title: VTS39-9.2.5 Making V.128 suitable for its readership - Vissim
16 Mar 2015
9.2.6 9. TD 2 - Technology
Document title: VTS39-9.2.6 V-128_ed4_comments - 150316 JRC
16 Mar 2015
9.2.7 9. TD 2 - Technology
Document title: VTS39-9.2.7 IALA Recommendation V-128, Ed. 4 approval - SG LEE of GCSC
16 Mar 2015
9.2.4 9. TD 2 - Technology
Document title: VTS39-9.2.4 Kongsberg Norcontrol IALA Recommendation V-128, Ed. 4 approval
13 Mar 2015
9.2.3 9. TD 2 - Technology
Document title: VTS39-9.2.3 SIGNALIS reservation on current status of IALA V128 recommendation
12 Mar 2015
8.1.8 8. TD 1 – Operations
Document title: VTS39-8.1.8 STMID Netherlands (2.0 final)
12 Mar 2015
3.1.5 3. Review of input papers
Document title: VTS39-3.1.5 Submission MSC 95-19-e-nav
12 Mar 2015
3.1.2 3. Review of input papers
Document title: VTS39-3.1.2 (ENAV15-14.1.4) Liaison note to all Committees and PAP on IALA involvement with IMO SIP Tasks with Sec Addendum
12 Mar 2015
10.1.3 10. TD 3 - VTS Training
Document title: VTS39-10.1.3 draft Model Course Revalidation Process for VTS Personnel pages input paper
11 Mar 2015
5.1 5. Reports from Rapporteurs
Document title: VTS39-5.1 IALA dictionary update 1 doc1110 v20150302
05 Mar 2015
8.4.3 8. TD 1 – Operations
Document title: VTS39-8.4.3 (VTS38-12.2.4) IALA Questionnaire_no_track_changes
10 Feb 2015
8.1.4 8. TD 1 – Operations
Document title: VTS39-8.1.4 (VTS38-8.1.6) Measuring the effectivness of VTS (Rev.1)
10 Feb 2015
8.1.6 8. TD 1 – Operations
Document title: VTS39-8.1.6 (VTS38-12.2.7) Draft Guideline_Incident-Accident_Reporting
10 Feb 2015
8.1.5 8. TD 1 – Operations
Document title: VTS39-8.1.5 (VTS38-12.2.6) VTS Manual Revision Status VTS38
10 Feb 2015 8. TD 1 – Operations
Document title: VTS39-8.1.3a (VTS38-8.1.5a) Close-quarter reporting by VTS technical and legal issue (English)
10 Feb 2015 8. TD 1 – Operations
Document title: VTS39-8.1.3b (VTS38-8.1.5b) Close-quarter reporting by VTS technical and legal issue (French)
10 Feb 2015
8.1.2 8. TD 1 – Operations
Document title: VTS39-8.1.2 (VTS38-8.1.4) Close-quarter reporting by VTS information
10 Feb 2015
8.1.1 8. TD 1 – Operations
Document title: VTS39-8.1.1 (VTS38-8.1.3) Close-quarter reporting by VTS
10 Feb 2015
2.2 2. Review of action items from last meeting
Document title: VTS39-2.2 (VTS38-14) Report VTS38
10 Feb 2015
3.1.1 3. Review of input papers
Document title: VTS39-3.1.1 (ARM1-11.1.8) Liaison note to all committees on ways of working for the NAVGUIDE update
10 Feb 2015
3.1.3 3. Review of input papers
Document title: VTS39-3.1.3 (ENAV15-14.1.7) Liaison note to Committees and PAP - Proposed Product Specification Numbering Scheme for IALA Domains
10 Feb 2015
11.2 11. Review of current Work Programme (2014-2018)
Document title: VTS39-11.2 2014-18 Work Programme Task Register v5master
10 Feb 2015
2.1 2. Review of action items from last meeting
Document title: VTS39-2.1 Action Items VTS38
10 Feb 2015
1.4 1. Introduction
Document title: VTS39-1.4 Programme for the week
10 Feb 2015
11.1 11. Review of current Work Programme (2014-2018)
Document title: VTS39-11.1 Work programme Summary Report (rev 3)
10 Feb 2015
10.3.1 10. TD 3 - VTS Training
Document title: VTS39-10.3.1 (VTS38-10.3.1) Develop Guidance on Human Factor Management in VTS (Rev 1)
10 Feb 2015
9.2.1 9. TD 2 - Technology
Document title: VTS39-9.2.1 V-128_v10 (output inter-sessional meeting)
10 Feb 2015
10.1.1 10. TD 3 - VTS Training
Document title: VTS39-10.1.1 (VTS38-10.1.1) Authenticity, validation and security of certification
10 Feb 2015
9.2.2 9. TD 2 - Technology
Document title: VTS39-9.2.2 VTS Intersessional Meeting Minutes v2
10 Feb 2015
8.4.1 8. TD 1 – Operations
Document title: VTS39-8.4.1 (VTS38-12.2.2) IALA VTS Strategy
10 Feb 2015
8.4.2 8. TD 1 – Operations
Document title: VTS39-8.4.2 (VTS38-12.2.3) IALA VTS Strategy matrix
10 Feb 2015
8.1.7 8. TD 1 – Operations
Document title: VTS39-8.1.7 (VTS38-12.2.8) Draft Guideline - IMSAS
10 Feb 2015
3.0 3. Review of input papers
Document title: Template Input document July 2014
16 Sep 2014
Document title: VTS39 Committee photo
17 Apr 2015
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