ARM - 8

Date: 22/10/2018 to 26/10/2018
Venue: IALA Headquarters

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This meeting contains 133 documents.

Agenda No. Title Date
14.1 14. Review of session report
Document title: ARM8-14 Report 8th Session IALA ARM Committee ARM8 draft post plenary1
Originator: IALA Secretariat
12 Nov 2018
14 1. Opening
Document title: ARM8-14 Report 8th Session IALA ARM Committee ARM8 final
Originator: IALA Secretariat
12.2.18 14. Review of session report
Document title: ARM8-12.2.18 Draft IALA Guideline on Requirements Traceability
Originator: WG2
12.2.17 12. Review of output and working papers
Document title: ARM8-12.2.17 Draft Guideline G1116-Ed.1 Selection of Rhythmic Characters and Synchronisation of AtoN 181023
Originator: WG1
12.2.16 12. Review of output and working papers
Document title: ARM8-12.2.16 Draft Recommendation E-110-Ed.4 Rhythmic Characters of Lights on AtoN 181023 (1)
Originator: WG1
12.2.15 12. Review of output and working papers
Document title: ARM8-12.2.15 (ARM8-9.7) WG1 IALA Guideline 1046 Ed.2 Response Plan for Marking New Wrecks December 2005 - ARM8
Originator: WG1
12.2.14 12. Review of output and working papers
Document title: ARM8-12.2.14 (ARM 8-9.4 Draft Recommendation on Governance of AtoN Service Delivery 20181024
Originator: WG1
12.2.13 12. Review of output and working papers
Document title: ARM8-12.2.13 (ARM8-9.5) Draft IALA Guideline on the Governance of AtoN Service Provision Rev1 20181025
Originator: WG1
12.2.12 12. Review of output and working papers
Document title: ARM8-12.2.12 (ARM8-9.1) IALA Regions at the Poles 20180225 shgb
Originator: WG1
12.2.11 12. Review of output and working papers
Document title: ARM8-12.2.11 (ARM8 9.8) WG1 Draft IALA Guideline on MAtoN - ARM8 rev oct 2018
Originator: WG1
12.2.10 12. Review of output and working papers
Document title: ARM8-12.2.10 Draft Guideline G1081-Ed.1.1 Provision of Virtual Aids to Navigation May2013
Originator: WG1
12.2.8 14. Review of session report
Document title: ARM8-12.2.8 Guideline G1097 Ed.1 Technical Features and Technology Relevant for Simulation of AtoN-May2013
Originator: WG3
12.2.7 14. Review of session report
Document title: ARM8-12.2.7 Guideline G1058 Ed.2 Use of Simulation as a Tool for Waterway Design and AtoN Planning_June 2011
Originator: WG3
12.2.5 14. Review of session report
Document title: ARM8-12.2.5 (ARM8-11.7) Guideline 1138 Ed.1 The use of SIRA_Dec2017
Originator: WG3
12.2.4 14. Review of session report
Document title: ARM8-12.2.4 (ARM8-11.5) Guideline 1124 Ed1 The use of PAWSA MKII_June 2017
Originator: WG3
12.2.3 14. Review of session report
Document title: ARM8-12.2.3 (ARM8-11.4) Guideline 1123 Ed1 The use of IWRAP MKII-June 2017
Originator: WG3
12.2.2 14. Review of session report
Document title: ARM8-12.2.2 (ARM8-11.2) Guideline 1018 Ed.3 Risk Management_May2013
Originator: WG3
12.2.1 12. Review of output and working papers
Document title: ARM8-12.2.1 (ARM8-6.1) ARM Task Plan updated at ARM8 post plenary
Originator: ARM Chair
12.1.13 12. Review of output and working papers
Document title: ARM8-12.1.13 Liaison ARM to ENAV Suggestions regarding workshop on developing an IOC for e-Navigation plenary
Originator: WG2
12.1.12 12. Review of output and working papers
Document title: ARM8-12.1.12 Liaison note to ARM to ENAV on Development of AMRD – Draft IALA Recommendation and Guideline
Originator: WG1 12. Review of output and working papers
Document title: ARM8- Attachment 2 to Liaison note ARM8 to Secretariat on MS 8 Vessel Shore Reporting Presentation v1.1
Originator: WG2 12. Review of output and working papers
Document title: ARM8- Attachment 1 to Liaison note ARM8 to Secretariat on MS 8 Vessel Shore Reporting
Originator: WG2
12.1.11 12. Review of output and working papers
Document title: ARM8-12.1.11 Liaison note ARM to Secretariat MS 8 Vessel Shore Reporting briefing to HGDM2 post plenary
Originator: WG2
12.1.10 12. Review of output and working papers
Document title: ARM8-12.1.10 (ARM8-10.6) Input to IHO NIPWG Proposal for the Development of S-125 PS post plenary
Originator: WG2
12.1.9 12. Review of output and working papers
Document title: ARM8-12.1.9 (ARM8-10.16.1) Draft Cyber Security Workshop Proposal post plenary
Originator: WG2
12.1.8 12. Review of output and working papers
Document title: ARM8-12.1.8 Liaison Note ARM to Secretariat Questionnnaire on use of E-111 in Port Traffic Signals_20181025 post plenary
Originator: WG1
12.1.7 12. Review of output and working papers
Document title: ARM8-12.1.7 Draft Liaison Note IALA to IMO-NCSR on AMRD 20181024 post plenary Rev 1
Originator: WG1
12.1.6 12. Review of output and working papers
Document title: ARM8-12.1.6 (ARM8-9.14) Liaison Note on VDES R-Mode to ENG post plenary
Originator: WG1
12.1.5 12. Review of output and working papers
Document title: ARM8-12.1.5 (ARM8-9.8) WWA on Maritime Law_20181024 post plenary
Originator: WG1
12.1.4 12. Review of output and working papers
Document title: ARM8-12.1.4 (ARM8-11.8.1) Draft Model Course L1.2 Master of AtoN Management Ed.1_20181024 post plenary
Originator: WG1
12.1.3 12. Review of output and working papers
Document title: ARM8-12.1.3 Liaison Note ARM to IALA Committees re MAtoN lights post plenary
Originator: WG1
12.1.2 12. Review of output and working papers
Document title: ARM8-12.1.2 Liaison Note ARM to ENG re Racons in busy harbours post plenary
Originator: WG1
12.1.1 12. Review of output and working papers
Document title: ARM8-12.1.1 (ARM8-9.11) Liaison-IALA to ITU-WP5B on AMRD ARM output
Originator: WG1
11.9 11. WG3 - Risk management
Document title: ARM8-11.9 (ENG8-12.1.8) Liaison note ENG8 to ARM8 on simulation guideline update
Originator: ENG8
11.8.1 11. WG3 - Risk management
Document title: ARM8-11.8.1 (ENG8-12.1.2) Draft Model Course L1.2 Master of AtoN Management Ed.1
Originator: ENG8
11.8 11. WG3 - Risk management
Document title: ARM8-11.8 (ENG8-12.1.14) Liaison Note to ARM8 on Proposed Draft Model Course L1.2
Originator: ENG8
11.7 11. WG3 - Risk management
Document title: ARM8-11.7 Guideline 1138 Ed.1 The use of SIRA_Dec2017
Originator: IALA Secretariat
11.6 11. WG3 - Risk management
Document title: ARM8-11.6 IALA Model Course L1.3 on Risk Management Ed 2 December 2015 rev3
Originator: IALA Secretariat
11.5 11. WG3 - Risk management
Document title: ARM8-11.5 Guideline 1124 Ed1 The use of PAWSA MKII_June 2017
Originator: IALA Secretariat
11.4 11. WG3 - Risk management
Document title: ARM8-11.4 Guideline 1123 Ed1 The use of IWRAP MKII-June 2017
Originator: IALA Secretariat
11.3 11. WG3 - Risk management
Document title: ARM8-11.3 Guideline 1058 Ed.2 Use of Simulation as a Tool for Waterway Design and AtoN Planning_June 2011
Originator: IALA Secretariat
11.2 11. WG3 - Risk management
Document title: ARM8-11.2 Guideline 1018 Ed.3 Risk Management_May2013
Originator: IALA Secretariat
11.1 11. WG3 - Risk management
Document title: ARM8-11.1 Recommendation R1002 Ed1 Risk Management for Marine Aids to Navigation-June 2017
Originator: IALA Secretariat
10.19 10. WG2 - Information Services and Portrayal
Document title: ARM8-10.19 HGDM2 joint input WMO-IHO-IMPA-IALA to HGDM2 final (003)
Originator: IALA Secretariat
10.18 10. WG2 - Information Services and Portrayal
Document title: ARM8-10.18 Information paper on harmonized AtoN change terms
Originator: Eivind Mong
10.17 10. WG2 - Information Services and Portrayal
Document title: ARM8-10.17 (ENG8-12.1.23) Draft Proposal for R-Mode workshop 2019 post plenary
Originator: ENG8
10.16.1 10. WG2 - Information Services and Portrayal
Document title: ARM8-10.16.1 (ENG8-12.1.10) Draft Cyber Security Workshop Proposal
Originator: ENG8
10.16 10. WG2 - Information Services and Portrayal
Document title: ARM8-10.16 (ENG8-12.1.9) Liaison Note to ARM8 on the Cyber Security Workshop
Originator: ENG8
10.15 10. WG2 - Information Services and Portrayal
Document title: ARM8-10.15 (ENAV22-12.1.16) Liaison ENAV to Council to hold a Workshop on Initial Operating Capability (IOC) for e-Navigation
Originator: Jon Leon Ervik
10.14 10. WG2 - Information Services and Portrayal
Document title: ARM8-10.14 (ENAV22-12.2.3 Draft IALA Guideline on MSPs v21)
Originator: ENAV22
10.13 10. WG2 - Information Services and Portrayal
Document title: ARM8-10.13 (ENAV22-12.1.20) Liaison ENAV to ARM on Maritime Services
Originator: ENAV22
10.12 10. WG2 - Information Services and Portrayal
Document title: ARM8-10.12 (ENAV22-12.1.13) Liaison to IALA Secretariat reach out for emerging tech
Originator: ENAV22
10.11 10. WG2 - Information Services and Portrayal
Document title: ARM8-10.11 (ENAV22-12.1.12) S-211 Context
Originator: ENAV22
10.10 10. WG2 - Information Services and Portrayal
Document title: ARM8-10.10 Introduction to Marine Resource Name (MRN) Concept
Originator: Dave Lewald
10.9 10. WG2 - Information Services and Portrayal
Document title: ARM8-10.9 S-200 test bed project
Originator: Sewoong Oh
10.8 10. WG2 - Information Services and Portrayal
Document title: ARM8-10.8 Proposed way forward of S-201 AtoN Product Specification
Originator: Sewoong Oh
10.7 10. WG2 - Information Services and Portrayal
Document title: ARM8-10.7 Status of the S-201 Product Specification Development
Originator: Dave Lewald
10.6 10. WG2 - Information Services and Portrayal
Document title: ARM8-10.6 Proposal re S-125 Navigation Services (enhanced List of Lights) Product Specification
Originator: Dave Lewald
10.5.1 10. WG2 - Information Services and Portrayal
Document title: ARM8-10.5.1 WG2 Presentation Standardized and Automated Ship Reporting v1.1
Originator: Fred Pot
10.5 10. WG2 - Information Services and Portrayal
Document title: ARM8-10.5 Ship Report Registry Description v1.2
Originator: Fred Pot
10.4.11 10. WG2 - Information Services and Portrayal
Document title: ARM8-10.4.11 S-201 - Annex H
Originator: Phil Day / Nick Ward
10.4.10 10. WG2 - Information Services and Portrayal
Document title: ARM8-10.4.10 S-201 - Annex G
Originator: Phil Day / Nick Ward
10.4.9 10. WG2 - Information Services and Portrayal
Document title: ARM8-10.4.9 S-201 - Annex F
Originator: Phil Day / Nick Ward
10.4.8 10. WG2 - Information Services and Portrayal
Document title: ARM8-10.4.8 S-201 - Annex E
Originator: Phil Day / Nick Ward
10.4.7 10. WG2 - Information Services and Portrayal
Document title: ARM8-10.4.7 S-201 - Annex D1
Originator: Phil Day / Nick Ward
10.4.6 10. WG2 - Information Services and Portrayal
Document title: ARM8-10.4.6 S-201 - Annex C
Originator: Phil Day / Nick Ward
10.4.5 10. WG2 - Information Services and Portrayal
Document title: ARM8-10.4.5 S-201 - Annex B2
Originator: Phil Day / Nick Ward 10. WG2 - Information Services and Portrayal
Document title: ARM8- S-201 - Annex B1
Originator: Phil Day / Nick Ward
10.4.4 10. WG2 - Information Services and Portrayal
Document title: ARM8-10.4.4 S-201 - Annex B1
Originator: Phil Day / Nick Ward
10.4.3 10. WG2 - Information Services and Portrayal
Document title: ARM8-10.4.3 S-201 - Annex A
Originator: Phil Day / Nick Ward
10.4.2 10. WG2 - Information Services and Portrayal
Document title: ARM8-10.4.2 S-201 Product Specification - draft 0 0 7 July 2017 - main document
Originator: Phil Day / Nick Ward
10.4.1 10. WG2 - Information Services and Portrayal
Document title: ARM8-10.4.1 S-201 0.0.7 overview
Originator: Phil Day / Nick Ward
10.3 10. WG2 - Information Services and Portrayal
Document title: ARM8-10.3 For awareness_ WMO has established a global network of National Marine Services Focal Points to contribute to marine safety
Originator: Neil Moodie WMO
10.2.2 10. WG2 - Information Services and Portrayal
Document title: ARM8-10.2.2 Ship Reporting CG Charter v1.3
Originator: Fred Pot
10.2.1 10. WG2 - Information Services and Portrayal
Document title: ARM8-10.2.1 (PAP34-8.1.2) Liaison from ENAV to PAP on ship reporting
Originator: Fred Pot
10.2 10. WG2 - Information Services and Portrayal
Document title: ARM8-10.2 Ship reporting ARM Task 5.2.2
Originator: Fred Pot
10.2 10. WG2 - Information Services and Portrayal
Document title: ARM8-10.2 Ship reporting ARM Task 5.2.2 v1.2
Originator: Stefan Bober
10.1 10. WG2 - Information Services and Portrayal
Document title: ARM8-10.1 (ENAV21-14.2.5) Draft IALA Guideline on Maritime Service Portfolios - Digitising Maritime Services (v13) WMO
Originator: Neil Moodie WMO
9.14 9. WG1 - Navigational requirements
Document title: ARM8-9.14 (ENG8-12.1.25) Liaison Note to ARM & ENAV re VDES R-Mode system requirements_comments post plenary
Originator: ENG8
9.13 9. WG1 - Navigational requirements
Document title: ARM8-9.13 (ENG8-12.1.24) Liaison Note to ARM8 re Racons in busy harbours post plenary
Originator: ENG8
9.12 9. WG1 - Navigational requirements
Document title: ARM8-9.12 (ENG8-12.1.19) Liaison Note on E-111 Port Traffic Signals
Originator: ENG8
9.11 9. WG1 - Navigational requirements
Document title: ARM8-9.11 (ENAV22-12.1.4) Liaison-IALA to ITU-WP5B on AMRD
Originator: ENAV22
9.10.2 9. WG1 - Navigational requirements
Document title: ARM8-9.10.2 (ENAV22-12.1.3) draft IALA Guideline on AMRD- For ARM
Originator: ENAV22
9.10.1 9. WG1 - Navigational requirements
Document title: ARM8-9.10.1 (ENAV22-12.1.2) draft IALA Recommendation on AMRD-For ARM
Originator: ENAV22
9.10 9. WG1 - Navigational requirements
Document title: ARM8-9.10 (ENAV22-12.1.1) Liaison ENAV to ARM on AMRD Draft docs
Originator: ENAV22
9.9 9. WG1 - Navigational requirements
Document title: ARM8-9.9 Draft Model Course L1.2 Master of AtoN Management new edition 20180612 shgb
Originator: WWA
9.8 9. WG1 - Navigational requirements
Document title: ARM8-9.8 (ARM7-12.2.3) WG1 IALA Guideline MAtoN ARM6 - October 2017
Originator: ARM7
9.7 9. WG1 - Navigational requirements
Document title: ARM8-9.7 (ARM7-12.2.2) WG1 IALA Guideline 1046 Ed.2 Response Plan for Marking New Wrecks December 2005 ARM7 - October 2017
Originator: ARM7
9.6 9. WG1 - Navigational requirements
Document title: ARM8-9.6 (ARM7-12.2.1) WWA on Maritime Law
Originator: ARM7
9.5 9. WG1 - Navigational requirements
Document title: ARM8-9.5 Draft IALA Guideline on the Governance of AtoN Service Provision Rev1 20181017
Originator: WWA
9.4 9. WG1 - Navigational requirements
Document title: ARM8-9.4 Draft IALA Recommendation R#### on Governance of AtoN Service Delivery Rev1 20181017
Originator: WWA
9.3 9. WG1 - Navigational requirements
Document title: ARM8-9.3 LN-IALA-29032018 Liaison note CIRM to IALA on the use of racons in busy harbours
Originator: Richard Doherty
9.2.3 9. WG1 - Navigational requirements
Document title: ARM8-9.2.3 Jan2018-ESTEC-output03-Draft Liaison note to ITU-R WP5B(May) on AMRD - rev1
Originator: ENAV WG3 intersessional
9.2.2 9. WG1 - Navigational requirements
Document title: ARM8-9.2.2 Jan2018-ESTEC-output04b-Liaison from ITU WP5B on AMRD for ARM
Originator: ENAV WG3 intersessional
9.2.1 9. WG1 - Navigational requirements
Document title: ARM8-9.2.1 Jan2018-ESTEC-output04a- Liaison to ARM re ITU liaison on AMRD rev1
Originator: ENAV WG3 intersessional
9.2 9. WG1 - Navigational requirements
Document title: ARM8-9.2 AMRD liasion with ENAV and ITU
Originator: ENAV WG3 intersessional
9.1 9. WG1 - Navigational requirements
Document title: ARM8-9.1 IALA Regions at the Poles 20180225 shgb
Originator: Stephen Bennett
6.1.2 6. Review of Work Programme and WG expectations
Document title: ARM8-6.1.2 (PAP36-13.3) Committee responsibilities Information services
Originator: PAP36
6.1.1 6. Review of Work Programme and WG expectations
Document title: ARM8-6.1.1 ARM Recommendations guidelines and Work plan post ARM7 Oct2017
Originator: ARM7
6.1 6. Review of Task Plan and WG expectations
Document title: ARM8-6.1 (PAP36) ARM Task Plan 2018-2022 20181003
Originator: PAP36
5.8 5. Presentations
Document title: ARM8-5.8 Demonstration MAtoN light
Originator: Martin Bransby
5.7 5. Presentations
Document title: ARM8-5.7 Presentation MENAS AtoN Monitoring project
Originator: Mahdi al Mosawi
5.6 5. Presentations
Document title: ARM8-5.6 Presentation The Performance of AtoN Design and Planning with AtoN Simulator-180927
Originator: JunKi Bae
5.5 5. Presentations
Document title: ARM8-5.5 Presentation IHO NIPWG update
Originator: Jens Schröder-Fürstenberg
5.4 5. Presentations
Document title: ARM8-5.4 Presentation e-Navigation Underway conferences
Originator: IALA Secretariat
5.3 5. Presentations
Document title: ARM8-5.3 Presentation IALA guidance on the marking of breakwaters
Originator: Grant Judson
5.2 5. Presentations
Document title: ARM8-5.2 Presentation Use of S-201 to transfer AtoN Data between AtoN Authorities and Hydrographic Offices
Originator: Dave Lewald
5.1 5. Presentations
Document title: ARM8-5.1 Presentation WWA brief to ARM-8 Oct 2018
Originator: WWA
5..2.1 5. Presentations
Document title: ARM8-5.2.1 Use of S-201 to Transfer AtoN Data Between AtoNAuthorities and Hydrographic Offices
Originator: Dave Lewald
4.14 4. Reports from other bodies
Document title: ARM8-4.14 IALA Report on meetings of ITU-R WP5B
Originator: IALA Secretaiat
4.13 4. Reports from other bodies
Document title: ARM8-4.13 IALA Report on IMO Council 120
Originator: IALA Secretariat
4.12 4. Reports from other bodies
Document title: ARM8-4.12 IALA Report on IMO NCSR5
Originator: IALA Secretariat
4.11 4. Reports from other bodies
Document title: ARM8-4.11 IALA Report on IMO MSC99
Originator: IALA Secretariat
4.10 4. Reports from other bodies
Document title: ARM8-4.10 IALA Report 14th meeting Joint IMO-ITU Expert group on Maritime Radiocommunication Matters
Originator: Stefan Bober
4.9 4. Reports from other bodies
Document title: ARM8-4.9 Joint submission of draft Template for maritime services to the IMO
Originator: IALA Secretariat
4.8 4. Reports from other bodies
Document title: ARM8-4.8 IALA-IHO Technical Coordination Meeting v3
Originator: IALA Secretariat
4.7 4. Reports from other bodies
Document title: ARM8-4.7 Report e-Navigation Underway International 2018 final
Originator: IALA Secretariat
4.6 4. Reports from other bodies
Document title: ARM8-4.6 IALA Position-on-the-development-of-AtoN-services-2017-12-15
Originator: IALA Secretariat
4.5 4. Reports from other bodies
Document title: ARM8-4.5 PIANC MarCom WG Report 161 Wind Farms - interaction between offshore wind farms and marine navigation
Originator: PIANC
4.4 4. Reports from other bodies
Document title: ARM8-4.4 Report on the IALA Seminar on arctic navigation Nov 2017
Originator: IALA Secretariat
4.3 4. Reports from other bodies
Document title: ARM8-4.3 Report on 19th IALA Conference 2018
Originator: IALA Secretariat
4.2.3 4. Reports from other bodies
Document title: ARM8-4.2.3 (PAP36-11.1) Draft Report PAP36_V2
Originator: PAP36
4.2.2 4. Reports from other bodies
Document title: ARM8-4.2.2 (PAP35-18.1) Draft Report PAP35_V1
Originator: IALA Secretariat
4.2.1 4. Reports from other bodies
Document title: ARM8-4.2.1 (PAP34-18.1) Draft Report PAP34_V2
Originator: IALA Secretariat
4.1.3 4. Reports from other bodies
Document title: ARM8-4.1.3 Report Council 67 Final
Originator: IALA Secretariat
4.1.2 4. Reports from other bodies
Document title: ARM8-4.1.2 (C66-20.1) Report Council 66_Final-Rev
Originator: IALA Secretariat
4.1.1 4. Reports from other bodies
Document title: ARM8-4.1.1 (C65-19.1) Report Council 65
Originator: IALA Secretariat
3.1 3. Review of input papers
Document title: ARM8-3.1 Input paper Committee template February 2017
Originator: IALA Secretariat
2.2 2. Review of action items from last meeting
Document title: ARM8-2.2 (ARM7-14) Report ARM7
Originator: ARM7
2.1 2. Review of action items from last meeting
Document title: ARM8-2.1 Action items from ARM7
Originator: IALA Secretariat
1.5 1. Opening
Document title: ARM8-1.5 Programme for the week 20180803
Originator: IALA Secretariat
1.3 1. Opening
Document title: ARM8-1.3 Presentation Safety and admin briefing 20180911
Originator: IALA Secretariat
1.1 1. Opening
Document title: ARM8-1.1 Draft Agenda 20181010
Originator: IALA Secretariat
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