IALA World-Wide Academy - IALA WWA Academy

IALA World-Wide Academy

The World-Wide Academy is the vehicle by which
IALA delivers education, training and capacity building

Education & Training

The objective of the Academy is not so much to conduct training itself, but to develop and promote the use of the IALA model training courses. The Academy facilitates such courses as required.

During the Pandemic, the accredited training organizations stopped delivering residential courses. In response to this, the Academy has developed a suite of online versions of the IALA model courses.

Read more.

Capacity Building

Some coastal States have a need to reinforce their national and institutional capacity to deliver Marine Aids to Navigation services to international standards.

The Academy assists these States by conducting a technical needs assessment mission and proposing a number of possible improvements which would bring the coastal State closer to conforming to international standards

Long term cooperation is achieved through follow up initiatives, including education and training of individuals .

Read more.

The effect of the Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has severely disrupted the work programme of the Academy. Many training courses, missions and awareness events were cancelled or postponed in 2020 and 2021.

This triggered the Academy to find new ways to stay connected with coastal States in need. Webinars, microseminars and online training form part of the solution to this problem.


In response to the restrictions of the COVID-19 pandemic the academy regularly organizes a series of webinars on the technical challenges our members are facing, such as:

  • AtoN remote monitoring
  • Buoy moorings
  • AtoN light characters
  • AtoN maintenance
  • Various aspects of VTS

Recordings from these webinars and more can be found on the IALA YouTube Channel

Micro Seminars

During the Pandemic where travel is difficult, the Academy organizes online seminars to follow-up on recent technical needs assessment missions.

If your organization is interested in such a seminar send an email to academy@iala-aism.org

Use of the IALA logo

The use of the IALA logo on any training documentation, including certificates, can only be used by an accredited training organization in a country where IALA has a national member.

The use of the logo indicates that the process of accreditation and approval has been conducted in accordance with the IALA standards.

The logo may only be used during the period of validity of the accreditation and approval certification.

The logo should be used in such a secondary and circumspect manner so as to not represent that IALA is responsible for the course conduct or delivery.