Metreorological and hydrological data

 Parameter  No. of bits  Description
 Message ID 6  Identifier for Message 8 ; Always 8
 Repeat Indicator 2  Used by the repeater to indicate how many times a message has been repeated.
 Source ID 30  MMSI number of source station
 Spare 2  Not used. Should be set to zero.
 IAI 16  DAC = 001
FI = 11
 Latitude 24  Measuring position, 0 to + /- 90 degrees, 1/1000th minute
 Longitude 25  Measuring position, 0 to + /- 180 degrees, 1/1000th minute
 Date and time 16  Time of transmission, Day, hour, minute, (ddhhmm in UTC)
 Average wind speed 7  Average of wind speed values for the last 10 minutes. 0-120 kts, 1 kt
 Wind gust 7  Wind gust is the maximum wind speed value reading during the last 10 minutes, 0 – 120 kts, 1 kt
 Wind direction 9  0 – 359 degrees ,1 degree
 Wind gust direction 9  0 . 359 degrees, 1 degree
 Air temperature 11  Dry bulb temperature – 60,0 to + 60,0 degrees Celsius 0,1 of a degree
 Relative humidity 7  0 . 100%, 1%
 Dew point 10  – 20,0 – + 50,0 degrees, 0,1 degree
 Air pressure 9  800 . 1200 hPa, 1 hPa
 Air pressure tendency 2  0 = steady, 1 = decreasing, 2 = increasing
 Horizontal visibility 8  0,0 . 25,0 NM, 0,1 NM
 Water level (incl. tide) 9  Deviation from local chart datum, . .10,0 to + 30,0 m 0,1 m
 Water level trend 2  0 = steady, 1 = decreasing, 2 = increasing
 Surface current speed (incl. tide) 8  0,0 . 25,0 kts 0,1 kt
 Surface current direction 9  0 . 359 degrees, 1 degree
 Current speed, #2 8  Current measured at a chosen level below the sea surface, 0,0 . 25,0 kts, 0,1 kt
 Current direction, #2 9  0 . 359 degrees, 1 degree
 Current measuring level, #2 5  Measuring level in m below sea surface , . 0 .30 m 1 m
 Current speed, #3 8  0,0 . 25,0 knots, 0,1 knot
 Current direction, #3 9  0 . 359 degrees, 1 degree
 Current measuring level, #3 5  Measuring level in m below sea surface, 0 . 30 m 1 m
 Significant wave height 8  0,0 . 25,0 m, 0,1 m
 Wave period 6  Period in seconds, 0 . 60 s, 1 s
 Wave direction 9  0 . 359 degrees, 1 degree
 Swell height 8  0,0 . 25,0 m, 0,1 m
 Swell period 6  Period in seconds, 0 . 60 s, 1 s
 Swell direction 9  0 . 359 degrees, 1 degree
 Sea state 4  According to Beaufort scale (manual input?), 0 to 12, 1
 Water temperature 10  -10,0 – + 50,0 degrees, 0,1 degree
 Precipitation (type) 3  According to WMO
 Salinity 9  0,0 . 50,0 ., 0,1.
 Ice 2  Yes/No
 Spare 6
 Total Number of bits   352  Occupies 2 slots