IALA WWA Seminars - 2020 Effective Implementation of IALA Standards – Kuala Lumpur

Date: 24/02/2020
Venue: Grand Hyatt Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

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This meeting contains 7 documents.

Agenda No. Title Date
Session 1
Document title: Aims and Objectives of the Seminar, the rationale need for IALA Standards
Originator: Omar Frits Eriksson - IALA
25 Feb 2020
Session 1
Document title: How can IALA Recommendations, Guidelines and Model Courses help with the effective implementation
Originator: Kevin Gregory - IALA
25 Feb 2020
Session 2
Document title: Effective Implementation of IALA Standards Catalyst to Sustainable Development
Originator: Gerardine Delanoye - IALA
25 Feb 2020
Session 2
Document title: Update on the revised IMO VTS Guidelines
Originator: Kevin Gregory - IALA
25 Feb 2020
Session 3
Document title: Why claim compliance with IALA Standards - what are the advantages of implementation and the disadvantages of not doing so
Originator: Robert McCabe - Commisioners of Irish Lights
25 Feb 2020
Session 3
Document title: What national structures are needed in order to facilitate compliance and how can barriers to implementation be overcome
Originator: Gerardine Delanoye - IALA
25 Feb 2020
Document title: Seminar Programme
Originator: IALA Secretariat
25 Feb 2020
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