LAP - 24

Date: 08/11/2022 to 09/11/2022
Venue: IALA Headquarters

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This meeting contains 18 documents.

Agenda No. Title Date
2.1 2. Approval of the agenda
Document title: LAP24-2.1 Provisional Agenda
Originator: Secretariat
11 Oct 2022
3.1 3. Review of action items from LAP23
Document title: LAP24-3.1 Review of action items from LAP23
Originator: Secretariat
25 Oct 2022
4.1 4. Review of input papers
Document title: LAP24-4.1 Review of input papers
Originator: Secretariat
31 Oct 2022
8.1.1 8. Development of a general disclaimer for the website and the publications
Document title: LAP24-8.1.1 Draft Disclaimer
Originator: PAP
13 Oct 2022
11.1 11. Preparation for the General Assembly 2023
Document title: LAP24-11.1 General Assembly 2023
Originator: Secretariat
25 Oct 2022
12.1.1 12. Review of Basic documents
Document title: LAP24-12.1.1 Secretariat note on the revision of the Basic Documents
Originator: Secretariat
25 Oct 2022
12.1.2 12. Review of Basic Documents
Document title: LAP24-12.1.2 IALA Basic Documents Ed6.0
Originator: Secretariat
02 Nov 2022
15.1 15. Disaster Recovery Fund - Draft Terms of Reference
Document title: LAP24-15.1 Disaster Recovery Fund
Originator: WWA
25 Oct 2022
16.1 16. Review of the IALA Risk Register
Document title: LAP24-16.1 IALA Risk Register
Originator: Secretariat
27 Oct 2022
17.1 17. Review of the WWA Risk Register
Document title: LAP24-17.1 Academy Risk Register
Originator: Secretariat
27 Oct 2022
22.1 22. Approval of the report
Document title: LAP24-22.1 Report LAP24
Originator: Secretariat
21 Mar 2023
23.1 23. Output - Liaison note on disclaimers
Document title: LAP24-23.1 Liaison note to PAP on disclaimers
Originator: Secretariat
25 Nov 2022
24.1.1 24. Output - Liaison note on the revision of the basic documents
Document title: LAP24-24.1.1 Note on the revision of the Basic Documents
Originator: Secretariat
25 Nov 2022
24.1.2 24. Output - Basic Documents
Document title: LAP24-24.1.2 IALA Basic Documents Ed6.0
Originator: Secretariat
25 Nov 2022
25.1.1 25. Output - presentation
Document title: LA24-25. 5-6-7 Minsu Jeon reports
Originator: Minsu Jeon
25 Nov 2022
25.1.2 25. Output - presentation
Document title: LAP24-25 IALA terms and definitions S-201
Originator: Minsu Jeon
25 Nov 2022
25.1.3 25. Output - presentation
Document title: LAP24-25 HING Sola TS Collision
Originator: Norway
15 Dec 2022
25.1.4 25. Output - Presentations
Document title: LAP24-25 VTS Fehmarnbelt
Originator: Germany
06 Jan 2023
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