PAP - 30

Date: 12/11/2015 to 13/11/2015
Venue: IALA Headquarters

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This meeting contains 20 documents.

Agenda No. Title Date
1.1 1. Opening of meeting
Document title: PAP30-1.1 Draft Agenda
Originator: Secretariat
05 Nov 2015
4.1.1 4. Draft IALA standards
Document title: PAP30-4.1.1 Draft standards with topic areas
Originator: Secretariat
29 Oct 2015
4.1.2 4. Draft IALA standards
Document title: PAP30-4.1.2 Mapping of Recommendations
Originator: Secretariat
29 Oct 2015
4.1.3 4. Draft IALA standards
Document title: PAP30-4.1.3 World-Wide Radionavigation Plan
29 Oct 2015
4.1.4 4. Draft IALA standards
Document title: PAP30-4.1.4 Draft template for IALA standards
29 Oct 2015 5. Coordination reports
Document title: PAP30- Liaison note to PAP on Unique Identifiers for Maritime Resources
Originator: ENAV17
05 Nov 2015 5. Coordination reports
Document title: PAP30- Draft Guideline on Unique Identifiers for Maritime Resources
Originator: ENAV17
05 Nov 2015
5.5.1 5. Coordination reports
Document title: PAP30-5.5.1 IMC report
Originator: IMC
10 Nov 2015
8.1 8. Input to IMO planning process
Document title: PAP30-8.1 Draft input to IMO for Council consideration
Originator: Secretariat
22 Oct 2015
9.1 9. IALA Basic Documents
Document title: PAP30-9.1 Draft IALA Basic Documents
Originator: Secretariat
22 Oct 2015
9.3.1 9. IALA Basic Documents
Document title: PAP30-9.3.1 Draft PAP Terms of Reference
Originator: Secretariat
22 Oct 2015
12.1 12. Risk Toolbox
Document title: PAP30-12.1 Report of IWRAP SG37
Originator: Secretariat
22 Oct 2015
14.1 14. IALA-IHO Arctic Seminar
Document title: PAP30-14.1 Arctic Seminar draft
Originator: Secretariat
22 Oct 2015
18.1 18. Output documents
Document title: PAP30-18.1 Report of PAP30
Originator: Secretariat
26 Feb 2016
18.2 18. Output documents
Document title: PAP30-18.2 Draft Standard plan
Originator: PAP
26 Feb 2016
18.3 18. Output documents
Document title: PAP30-18.3 Draft template for IALA Standards
Originator: PAP
26 Feb 2016
18.4 18. Output documents
Document title: PAP30-18.4 Draft input to IMO process
Originator: PAP
26 Feb 2016
18.4 18. Output documents
Document title: PAP30-18.5 Draft IALA Basic Documents
Originator: Secretariat
26 Feb 2016
18.6 18. Output documents
Document title: PAP30-18.6 Draft PAP Terms of Reference
Originator: PAP
26 Feb 2016
19.1 19. Presentations
Document title: PAP30-19.1 Presentation on EfficienSea2
Originator: Nick Ward
26 Feb 2016
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