Conference for the IGO - Conference on the Draft General and Financial Regulations of the IGO

Date: 07/11/2023 to 10/11/2023
Venue: Tokyo, Japan

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This meeting contains 24 documents.

Agenda No. Title Date
0.1 0.1 Invitation letter from Japan
Document title: GR-0.1 Invitation Letter to IALA (Japan)
Originator: Japan
12 Jul 2023
0.2 0.2 Invitation to the Tokyo Conference
Document title: GR-0.2 CL 2023-08 Formal inviation to the Tokyo Conference on GR and FR
Originator: Secretariat
12 Jul 2023
0.3 0.3 Accommodations Tokyo
Document title: GR-0.3 Accommodations Tokyo
Originator: Japan
12 Jul 2023
0.4 0.4 Conference Programme
Document title: GR-0.4 Tokyo Conference Programme
Originator: Secretariat
20 Oct 2023
1.1 1. Adoption of the Agenda
Document title: GR-1.1 Draft Agenda
Originator: Secretariat
12 Jul 2023
2.1 2. Adoption of the organization of the work of the Conference
Document title: GR-2.1 Organization of the Conference in Tokyo
Originator: Secretariat
25 Sep 2023
3.1 3. Consideration of the draft Regulations, including the Financial Regulations of the International Organization for Marine Aids to Navigation
Document title: GR-3.1 Draft General Regulations including Financial Regulations June 2022
Originator: Secretariat
12 Jul 2023
3.1.1 3. Consideration of the draft Regulations, including the Financial Regulations of the International Organization for Marine Aids to Navigation
Document title: GR-3.1.1 Comments received from Singapore on the GR and FR
Originator: Singapore
12 Oct 2023
3.1.2 3. Consideration of the draft Regulations, including the Financial Regulations of the International Organization for Marine Aids to Navigation
Document title: GR-3.1.2 Comments received from Russia on the GR and FR
Originator: Russia
14 Oct 2023 3. Consideration of the draft Regulations, including the Financial Regulations of the International Organization for Marine Aids to Navigation
Document title: GR- Comment received from Japan on the FR
Originator: Japan
16 Oct 2023 3. Consideration of the draft Regulations, including the Financial Regulations of the International Organization for Marine Aids to Navigation
Document title: GR- Comments received from Japan on the GR
Originator: Japan
16 Oct 2023
3.1.4 3. Consideration of the draft Regulations, including the Financial Regulations of the International Organization for Marine Aids to Navigation
Document title: GR-3.1.4 Comments received from Finland on the GR and FR
Originator: Finland
16 Oct 2023
3.1.5 3. Consideration of the draft Regulations, including the Financial Regulations of the International Organization for Marine Aids to Navigation
Document title: GR-3.1.5 Comments received from Iran on the GR and FR
Originator: Iran
16 Oct 2023
3.1.6 3. Consideration of the draft Regulations, including the Financial Regulations of the International Organization for Marine Aids to Navigation
Document title: GR-3.1.6 Comments received from Canada
Originator: Canada
17 Oct 2023
3.1.7 3. Consideration of the draft Regulations, including the Financial Regulations of the International Organization for Marine Aids to Navigation
Document title: GR-3.1.7 Comments received from Ireland
Originator: Ireland
24 Oct 2023
3.1.8 3. Consideration of the draft Regulations, including the Financial Regulations of the International Organization for Marine Aids to Navigation
Document title: GR-3.1.8 Comments received from Malaysia
Originator: Malaysia
24 Oct 2023
3.1.9 3. Consideration of the draft Regulations, including the Financial Regulations of the International Organization for Marine Aids to Navigation
Document title: GR-3.1.9 Comments received from France
Originator: France
31 Oct 2023
3.1.10 3. Consideration of the draft Regulations, including the Financial Regulations of the International Organization for Marine Aids to Navigation
Document title: GR-3.1.10 Comments received from UK
Originator: United Kingdom
02 Nov 2023
3.1.11 3. Consideration of the draft Regulations, including the Financial Regulations of the International Organization for Marine Aids to Navigation
Document title: GR-3.1.11 Comments received from Australia
Originator: Australia
02 Nov 2023
3.1.12 3. Consideration of the draft Regulations, including the Financial Regulations of the International Organization for Marine Aids to Navigation
Document title: GR-3.1.12 Suggestion of new article from China and Georgia - 8 November
Originator: China
08 Nov 2023
3.2 3. Consideration of the draft Regulations, including the Financial Regulations of the International Organization for Marine Aids to Navigation
Document title: GR-3.2 Draft General Regulations including Financial Regulations June 2022 with comments
Originator: Secretariat
12 Jul 2023
3.3 corr 2 3. Consideration of the draft Regulations, including the Financial Regulations of the International Organization for Marine Aids to Navigation
Document title: GR-3.3 corr 2 Draft General and Financial Regulations comments and responses
Originator: Secretariat
03 Nov 2023
3.3 corr3 3. Consideration of the draft Regulations, including the Financial Regulations of the International Organization for Marine Aids to Navigation
Document title: GR-3.3 corr3 Draft GR and FR After Plenary Review 08112023
Originator: Secretariat
08 Nov 2023
6.0 6. Report
Document title: GR-6. Report on the Tokyo Conference on GR and FR
Originator: Secretariat
22 Dec 2023
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