On 22 August 2024, IALA becomes The International Organization for Marine Aids to Navigation. View here the message from the Secretary-General.
On 22 August 2024, IALA becomes The International Organization for Marine Aids to Navigation. View here the message from the Secretary-General.
For immediate release
Saint-Germain-en-Laye, France, August 2024 – After more than ten years of work and four diplomatic conferences, The International Association of Marine Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities (IALA) is proud to announce that, effective August 22, 2024, we will officially change our status from a non-governmental organization (NGO) to an Intergovernmental Organization (IGO). Based on a Convention ratified or acceded to by 34 States to date, the new status represents a significant victory for multilateralism and ocean governance, marking an important step toward enhancing worldwide safety of navigation, efficiency and protection of the marine environment.
The transition to an Intergovernmental Organization will place IALA in a much stronger position to develop and harmonize Marine Aids to Navigation, as governments will be directly involved in our work. All major decisions will be made by representatives of their governments, who hold credentials from their Head of State, Prime Minister or Minister of Foreign Affairs.
For over six decades, IALA has played a pivotal role in providing standards, recommendations and guidelines for the implementation of significant developments within the maritime sector. The organization’s focus on harmonization has never been more crucial, especially to achieve an ambitious digital agenda for the maritime sector.
Key benefits of the status change:
Quotes from leadership:
Francis Zachariae, Secretary-General of IALA: “The transition to an Intergovernmental Organization marks a new chapter in IALA’s history. This change will enable us to work even more closely with our members and partners to ensure safe, harmonized and more efficient marine navigation worldwide. I also want to emphasize that in times of conflict and war, the creation of an international organization like IALA, which brings together people from around the world in a spirit of cooperation and compromise, underscores the importance of understanding and mutual respect.”
Eric Banel, director-general for maritime affairs, fisheries and aquaculture (ministry for the sea), France: “France will now host a new Intergovernmental Organization on its territory. The new IALA will be the third global maritime organization (and the only one in France), alongside the International Maritime Organization and the International Hydrographic Organization. It is undoubtedly a great source of pride for my country as the creation of this new maritime organization represents a significant step for multilateralism and ocean governance.”
About IALA:
Founded in 1957, IALA brings together Marine Aids to Navigation authorities, manufacturers, consultants, and scientific and training organizations from around the world. Its mission is to harmonize Marine Aids to Navigation worldwide and ensure that the movement of vessels is safe expeditious and cost-effective while protecting the marine environment.
Media contact:
Audrey Guinault
Communication Officer
IALA Headquarters
Email: audrey.guinault@iala-aism.org
Phone: +33 (0)1 34 51 70 01
For more information, please visit www.iala-aism.org
Note to editors:
High-resolution images and additional background information on IALA’s transition to an IGO are available upon request. Interviews with key IALA officials can be arranged through the media contact above.
Secretary-General Francis Zachariae, IALA
Director General Eric Banel, France
The 80th session of the Council meeting was held from 24 to 28 June 2024 in the Sheraton Atakoy Hotel, Istanbul, Türkiye and by video conference.
The president opened the meeting by thanking Türkiye for their wonderful hospitality. The Council was honoured by the intervention of Mr. Durmuş Ünüvar, Deputy Minister of Transport and Infrastructure of Türkiye who gave a presentation for the opening. After the Secretary-General’s report and National Matters, the councillors were given a detailed overview of the transition period ahead. As the Convention would enter into force on 22 August 2024, the responsibilities of the future Transition Council were laid out so that councillors could prepare for the upcoming tasks. As part of the transition preparations, the Council approved the resolution as contained in paper C80- with a proposed change and suggested to convene the first meeting of the Transition Council online on 22 August 2024 and the second meeting at the IALA HQ on 18-19 September 2024.
The Council noted the 2023 Audited Financial Statements, approved the proposed appropriation of the 2023 result and approved the reappointment of RSM France as Statutory Auditors.
The Council approved the revised budget for 2024.
The Council approved the membership contributions rates for 2025 as follows:
– National members: €19,680
– Industrial members: €6,730
– Associate members: €3,250
The Council decided to appoint Thomas Arculus from Trinity House, UK as Vice Chair of the LAP.
The Council approved the revised Committee work programme for 2023-2027.
The Council approved the following documents:
Revised R1019 on provision of Maritime Services in the context of e-Navigation in the domain of IALA, Ed2.0.
New G1182 on Cyber Security specifics from an IALA perspective, Ed1.0.
Revised G1141 Operational Procedures for Delivering VTS, Ed3.0.
Revised G1177 Portrayal of VTS information, Ed2.0.
Revised Model Course C0103-4 VTS On-the-Job Training Instructor, Ed3.0.
New G1183 on Provision of MCP identities, Ed1.0.
Revised R1007 The VHF Data Exchange System (VDES) for Shore Infrastructure, Ed2.0.
Revised G1128 Specification of e-Navigation Technical Services, Ed1.5.
The Council approved the proposed protocol for Product Specifications and Technical Service versioning and approval and the proposal of a Workshop on Future Radionavigation and Radiocommunication systems.
The Council decided to appoint Ms Catherine Mulvihill as a new board member of the IALA World-Wide Academy.
The Council noted the report on the WWA Board and agreed that the seconded officer in Singapore could be referred to as the IALA World-Wide Academy office in Singapore, for the duration of the MoU.
The Council noted the update on the IALA Disaster Recovery Fund and Councillors agreed to consider ways of facilitating sponsorships for the urgent needs of the SHSU.
The Council approved the following liaison notes:
S-100 operational interaction diagram to IHO NIPWG.
Technical Service Specification to IHO NIPWG.
Update of RTCM 10402.3 Standard to RTCM.
Proposed change to IEC 63173-1 to IEC TC80 WG17.
Request to use elements of IEC 63173-2 in IALA document to IEC.
IALA Task for Marine AtoN over IMT-2030 to IMO ITU EG.
Update of IALA Task for Marine AtoN over IMT-2030 to 3GPP TSGs.
IALA Task for Marine AtoN over IMT-2030 to ITU-R SG5.
The Council approved National membership for:
The Council approved Industrial membership for:
The Council approved Associate membership for:
The Council approved Honorary membership for:
The Council noted the resignations from:
The Council noted the following changes:
The Council decided to suspend industrial membership for:
The Council decided to suspend Associate membership for:
The Council noted the update on suspended membership from:
The full report is available at https://www.iala-aism.org/meetings/80/ .
We are recruiting a new Dean for the World-Wide Academy. If you would like more details on the job offer, please e-mail us. The deadline to receive applications is set at 1 September 2024.
The Convention will enter into force on 22 August 2024. The intergovernmental Organization will be created and the transition period will begin.
The first 30 States to ratify, accept, approve, or accede to the Convention on the International Organization for Marine Aids to Navigation are Singapore, Norway, Japan, Malaysia, India, Panama, The Netherlands, The United Kingdom, Canada, Spain, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Republic of Korea, France, Denmark, Finland, Cuba, Slovenia, Ireland, Sweden, Albania, Tunisia, Mexico, Oman, Germany, China, Portugal, Bulgaria, Croatia, Egypt.
A special page dedicated to the change of status is available here.
IALA HQ had the pleasure to host 2 important visits in February. On 20 February 2024 we received Trinity House’s former (Ian McNaught) and new (Iain Lower) Deputy Master for the handover and discussion of the future of both entities. Then on 22 February 2024 we received IFAN’s new CEO Catherine Mulvihill, and Development Manager Francesca Pradelli, to discuss the strengthening of the cooperation between the WWA and IFAN.
The 79th session of the IALA Council meeting was successfully held from 11 to 14 December at the Headquarters in France and by video conference.
More details were given about the transition period between the entry into force of the Convention and until IALA is constituted as an Intergovernmental Organization (IGO). Key decisions for the current and transition Council were detailed, including the development of new General Regulations and Financial Regulations and new Staff Rules.
The budget for 2024 was approved.
The Council approved of the following documents:
Guideline G1180, Ed1.0 Resilient Position, Navigation, and Timing.
Revised Model Course C0103-2 Ed3.0 for VTS Supervisor training.
Guideline G1181, Ed1.0 VDES VHF Data Link (VDL) Integrity monitoring.
The Council gave approval to the election of the selection of Faro di Genova ‘Lanterna’, Italy as the Heritage Lighthouse of the year 2024. The World Marine Aids to Navigation Day 2024 main event will be organized in Italy.
The Council endorsed new members as follows:
National membership for:
Industrial membership for:
Associate membership for:
The Council granted honorary membership to Phil Day (Northern Lighthouse Board), Simon Millyard (Trinity House) and Neil Trainor (Australian Maritime Safety Administration). The full report is available at https://www.iala-aism.org/meetings/79/ .
We take this opportunity to inform you that our offices will be closed from 25 December 2023 to 1 January 2024 included.
From 15 to 17 November, the First Latin American Seminar on Aids to Navigation was held in Buenos Aires, Argentina, organised by the Academia Hidrovía de Capacitación en Ayudas a la Navegación together with the Servicio de Hidrografía Naval and IALA, with the aim of being the first regional meeting of Spanish speaking countries to inform about the General Work Plan of IALA for the next 4 years, as well as to disseminate the activities and scope of the Committees.
The meeting was an excellent opportunity to promote capacity building initiatives, to identify the contributions that Spanish-speaking countries can make to IALA and to share with the representatives of the Latin American organisations present the most relevant topics addressed in the IALA Committees, Workshops and, as always, to discuss and share experiences and concerns related to the work on Aids to Navigation with colleagues and peers from different countries.
The Seminar was crowned with a visit to the ARA Almirante Irízar Icebreaker, the flagship of the Argentine Navy.
Del 15 al 17 de Noviembre se desarrolló en Buenos Aires, Argentina el Primer Seminario Latinoamericano de Ayudas a la Navegación, organizado por la Academia Hidrovía de Capacitación en Ayudas a la Navegación en conjunto con el Servicio de Hidrografía Naval y la Asociación Internacional de Señalización Marítima, con el objetivo de ser el primer encuentro regional de países de habla hispana para informar acerca del Plan General de Trabajo de IALA para los próximos 4 años, como así también difundir las actividades y el alcance de los Comités de Trabajo.
El encuentro fue una excelente ocasión para potenciar las iniciativas de refuerzo de capacidades, identificar las contribuciones que pueden realizar los países de habla hispana en IALA y para compartir con los representantes de las Organizaciones presentes de Latinoamérica las temáticas más relevantes abordadas en los Comités de IALA, Workshops y, como siempre, para conversar y compartir experiencias e inquietudes vinculadas al trabajo en las Ayudas a la Navegación con colegas y pares de distintos países.
Para coronar el Seminario, se realizó la visita al Rompehielos ARA Almirante Irízar, el buque insignia de la Armada Argentina.
The Twenty-Nineth Session of the Far East Radio Navigation Service Council (FERNS 29) was held at the Huanghai Hotel in Qingdao, People’s Republic of China, from 8 to 9 November 2023, convened by Maritime Safety Administration of the People’s Republic of China (CMSA). A one-day meeting of the Technical Working Group (TWG) was conducted on 7th November 2023 and a technical tour to Navigation Brilliance (Qingdao) technology company focused on smart navigation will be organised on 9th November 2023.
The Chairman, Mr. Li Hongyin, Deputy Director General of China MSA, welcomed all participants to Qingdao and recalled that the 1st FERNS meeting was held in 1992 and many developments have happened since. Chayka and Loran-C have been the focus of FERNS. The most updated information related to eLoran, DLoran have been presented and also other services and systems providing back up for GNSS and resilient PNT sources as VDES R-Mode and Enhanced Radar Positioning System. High accuracy service from BeiDou based on PPP and the number of PNT projects amalgamated in the POINT and TRACE projects have also been discussed.
IALA has an observer role in FERNS and Jaime Alvarez, IALA Technical officer has participated in the meeting providing the overview of the draft guideline on resilient PNT, S-200 product specifications, the outcomes from the 20th IALA Conference and the status of the IGO project.
The World-Wide Academy visited Shanghai as a part of the IALA level 1.1 AtoN Manager training in China which has come to a conclusion. 17 participants from 10 countries, including China, were hosted by the China MSA to follow the IALA AtoN manager training.
The Shanghai program included visits to the Wudong VTS Center, Shanghai Chart Center, China Maritime Museum, and Shanghai AtoN division, with a special focus on the most recent buoy tender ship. This was a great opportunity for participants to ask questions and exchange practices with China MSA.